- dynamic data delivery 动态数据传输
- Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) DDE methods are no longer supported. 动态数据交换(DDE)不再支持DDE方法。
- Handle to a dynamic data exchange (DDE) conversation. 动态数据交换(DDE)会话的句柄。
- What is the maximum distance that 10BASE-T will transmit data before signal attenuation affects the data delivery? 什麽10BASE-T将传输资料在讯号衰退影响资料传输之前最大距离?
- TCP uses positive acknowledgment and retransmission (PAR) to control data flow and confirm data delivery. TCP使用肯定确认和重传(PAR)来控制资料流量及确认资料传递。
- However, the case for dynamic data in a DTD is not always so easily understood. 然而,在DTD中使用动态数据的理由则并不总是那么易于理解。
- What's a good usage pattern for vertex buffers if I'm generating dynamic data? 创建动态数据时,应该按怎么样的模式操作?
- Despite its advantages,there are a number of obstacles preventing IP Multicast from becoming a dominant means of data delivery. 尽管有好处,但也有不少的障碍,妨碍了IP多播成为主导的数据交付方式。
- NetDDEdsdm_DESC='Manages Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) network shares. '管理网络DDE的共享动态数据交换。
- Despite its advantages, there are a number of obstacles preventing IP Multicast from becoming a dominant means of data delivery. 尽管有好处,但也有不少的障碍,妨碍了IP多播成为主导的数据交付方式。
- Data delivery system for the system in Beijing to Guangzhou, the number of interim positions, physical presence Kuayue warehousing situation. 系统发货数据为系统中北京转广州中转仓数量,实物存在跨月入库的情况。
- NADA aims to move Internet architecture away from the currently-used network-centric approach to a highly distributed data delivery platform. 纳达旨在动议互联网架构脱离目前使用的以网络为中心的方法,一个高度的分布式数据传输平台。
- Data delivery can be easily interrupted by departure of end hosts in P2P live streaming network,which may lead to degradation of QoS in time-sensitive applications. 在P2P视频直播网络中,用户频繁地加入或离开组播组会造成数据传输中断。
- RTCP monitor the data delivery and provide statistics data of service quality.RTCP also convey information about the participants in an on-going session. RTCP协议用于传送监视实时数据传送质量的统计数据,同时也可以在会议业务中传送与会者的信息。
- High-end mass storage systems are increasingly becoming popular in supercomputing facilities for their large storage capacities and superior data delivery rates. 为了达到更真实的视觉效果,材质贴图在三维图学应用上是相当重要且常被使用的技术。
- For example, DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) constants are not listed because DDE is not supported in Visual Basic 2005. 例如,动态数据交换(DDE)常数没有列出,这是因为在Visual Basic 2005中不支持DDE。
- Web applications commonly access data sources for storage and retrieval of dynamic data. Web应用程序通常访问用于存储和检索动态数据的数据源。
- Last, with the help of DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange), the data exchange between VB and Cimplicity is accomplished. 最后 ,采用DDE动态数据交换完成了VB和Cimplicity软件两种不同应用程序之间的数据传输。
- DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) provides WINDOWS application programs with data linking technique. DDE(DynamicDataExchange动态数据交换 )提供WINDOWS应用程序间的数据链接技术。
- In the paper control net uses Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) techniques to transfer concerned data to information net. 论文中,控制网络通过动态数据交换(Dynamic Data Exchange, DDE)技术向信息网络传送所需的数据;