- FEC2 can use vibroflotation and Dynamic compaction method to consolidation soft foundation. 我处可采用振冲法和强夯法加固软土地基。
- When dynamic compaction method is used to improve the soft soil foundation, environmental vibration will appear due to radiating of compaction energy. 摘要利用强夯法加固软弱地基时,其夯击能将以波的形式向外扩散,进而导致周围环境的振动。
- DCM(dynamic compaction method)combined with Vacuum dewatering treatment and extended bottom rotary jet grouting pile is adopted to reinforce saturated soft clay foundation. 针对饱和软粘土的工程特性,采用了真空动力固结联合扩底旋喷桩加固饱和软粘土地基。
- Dynamic compaction method is an easy and rapid construction method that has been widely used in China and around the world because it does not cause any environmental pollution. 摘要强夯法是一种既简便又快捷的施工方法,而且没有环境污染,所以在世界各国的地基处理过程中都非常流行。
- Analyses were made of the influence of lamping energy, distance of tamping points and number of passes upon the safety of the existing surrounding structures when a foundation is improved with the dynamic compaction method. 摘要分析了强夯法加固地基时,夯击能、夯点距离、夯击数等因素对周围已建建筑物的安全的影响。
- Taking the dynamic compaction of New Part product oilcan foundation in Dalian as an example, this paper expounds the dynamic compaction method for reinforcing the foundation of large-scale oiltank. 摘要以大连港新港改扩建二期陆域一期成品油罐区地基强夯为例,阐述了强夯法在加固大型储油罐地基方面的应用。
- Application of Dynamic Compaction Method to Liquefiable Foundation 强夯法在可液化地基中的应用
- Dynamic compaction method in the job practice of base consolidation 强夯法加固地基的工程实践
- Applying Dynamic Compaction Method to Treat the Complicated Fill-in Ground 应用强夯法处理复杂填土地基
- Application of Dynamic Compaction Method for Ground Treatment of Railway at Dayu Cement Company in Rizhao Harbor 强夯法加固大宇水泥公司日照港内铁路地基的应用
- Application of Dynamic Compaction Method in Dealing with High Fill and Miscellaneous Soil Roadbed 强夯法在道路高填方杂填土路基处理中的应用
- Application of Dynamic Compaction Method with Low Energy to Soft Ground Stabilization in Harbor Works 低能量强夯法在港口工程软弱地基加固中的应用
- Finite Element Analysis for Mechanism on Foundation Stabilization of Soft Clay by Dynamic Compaction Method 强夯加固软土地基机理的有限元分析
- Application of dynamic compaction method in dealing with high fill roadbed in retaining wall engineering 强夯法在护岸工程高填方路基处理中的应用
- Foundation stabilization of hydraulic filled sand and sublayer soft soil by dynamic compaction method 强夯法加固水力吹填砂及其下软弱地基
- Experimental Study on Hydraulic Filled Clay Foundation Stabilization Using Dynamic Compaction Method 强夯法加固港口粘性土吹填地基的试验研究
- Study on test of saline soil ground treatment with the soaking and dissolving combined dynamic compaction method 浸水预溶强夯法处理盐渍土地基试验研究
- Experimental study on reinforcing collapsible loess foundation of earth dam with dynamic compaction method 强夯法加固湿陷性黄土土坝地基试验研究
- dynamic compaction method 强夯
- With the analysis in the field of frequency,computational method for medium-effecting function and impelling function of dynamic compaction is put forward in this paper. 本文通过强夯振动频域分析,提出了介质作用函数和强夯激励函数的计算方法,对于强夯振动规律的认识和岩土体动力学特性的研究具有重要意义。