- dy current speed indicator 涡流速度指示表
- eddy current speed indicator 涡流速度指示表
- Show remotebaud Show the current speed of the remote connection. 显示远程连接的当前波特率。
- No current speed grape catching record exists, she said. 布朗表示,目前还没有这项世界纪录存在。
- It is only how fast an object moves that its speed indicates. 物体的速度所表示的,只是物体运动的快慢。
- Hong Jijiao gently on the accelerator, the engine speed indicator as you sync up the idea. 轻轻地轰几脚油门,发动机转速指针随着你的思想同步上扬。
- Thus,the current speed and tidal range of Yangtze Estuary and Hangzhou Bay will be influenced at a certa. 相应的,工程附近海域的潮流流速和潮差也受到工程不同程度的影响。
- To disable the power meter, map,and the wind speed indicator, press and hold (2), then make a selection at the "Select aCourse" screen. 在选择场地的时候;按住2键;然后选择;可以让地图;尺规和风速计消失.
- The maximum current speed and SSC occour during spring ebb, and the minimum one occours during neap flood. 最大流速和含沙量都发生在大潮落潮,最小流速和含沙量都发生在小潮涨潮。
- While descending to3000 feet, a barge swan shot past smashed the pilot tube( pilot head), air speed indicator out of order. 在下降到3000英尺的过程中,一只大天鹅很快越过,撞坏了空速管。真空速表失效。
- Micro-computer processor to ensure the setting of the bag length without changing any parts, preset counter, bag length, packing speed indicator are the part of the function. 微电脑袋长控制器,可任意设置袋长而无需更换零件,并可预制计数,显示包装速度,袋长等。
- The speediness,stability and robustness of a BLDCM direct current speed regulation system are the important guidelines in evaluating the performance of an electromotor. 无刷直流调速系统快速性、稳定性和鲁棒性的好坏成为决定电机性能的重要指标。
- Micro computer processor to ensure the setting of the bag length without changing any parts.Please counter, bag length, packing speed indicator are the part of the function. 电气控制微电脑袋长控制器,可任意设置袋长而无须更换零件,并可预制计数,显示包装速度,袋长等。
- How much stock the corporation take directly influence the level of stock and current speed of stock, ulteriorly result in different cost of logistics and profit of corporation. 库存管理中进货批量的多少直接影响着库存水平和库存周转速度,进而影响到物流成本的高低和企业经济效益的好坏。
- Micro computer processor to ensure the setting of the bag length without changing any parts.Please counter,bag length, packing speed indicator are the part of the function. 微电脑袋长控制器,可任意设置袋长而无须更换零件,并可预制计数,显示包装速度,袋长等。
- Eddy current speed regulation is adopted for both crane types’ hoist mechanism, featuring smooth start and stop and capability of realizing low speed when the hoisted weight is in position. 两种形式的起重机起升机构均采用过流制动器调速,起重和制动平稳无冲突,并可实现较低的就位速度。
- At the push of a button, the driver can get a read-out on the amount of fuel in the tank, and the number of miles he can expect to go (at current speed) before a refill is necessary. 司机只需按下一个按钮,即可从表上看出油箱中的现存油量及在有必要重新加油前他的汽车所能行驶(以当时的行速)的里程数。
- Improvements to the Gao Collins (1994) method are suggested to obtain long term depth averaged current speeds within the central ebb channel of a tidal inlet system. 改进了Gao等 ( 1 994)方法 ,并用以计算潮汐汊道口门落潮干道的垂线平均流速。
- Raising the frequency of the current speeds up the movement.Says the chief engineer of JR's maglev laboratory;"We can run it beyond 1,000 k. p. h (620 m.p.h) theoretically. 日本铁道集团磁悬浮列车实验室的首席工程师称:“理论上,磁悬浮列车的时速可以超过1000公里(约时速620英里)。”
- Usage: It is used for the products measuring,speed indicating,self-stopping of textile fabric equipments for plastic leather,capet,papermaking etc. 用途:用于纺织验布机,卷布机、码布机及塑革、地毯、造纸等设备的在制品计长测速及自停。