- duty on valued added 增值税
- duty on value added [经] 增值税, 增殖价值税
- Provisional regulation of the People's Republic of China on Value added Tax. 《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例》
- He enjoined a duty on his assistant. 他交给他的助手一项职责。
- She failed to report for duty on the date indicated. 她没有在指定日期报到上班。
- Did you have to pay customs duty on that? 你们必须为此给顾客付款吗?
- I failed to report for duty on the date indicated. 我未能在指定日期去报到。
- She fail to report for duty on the date indicate. 她没有在指定日期报到上班。
- She's always saddling extra duties on me. 她总是把额外责任加到我身上。
- Do I have to pay duty on the cigarette? 我得付香烟税吗?
- Do I have to pay duty on the liquor and cigarettes? 酒和烟要交税吗?
- Do I have to pay duty on the liquor and cogarettes? 我必须给酒烟上税吗?
- Do I have to pay duty on this bottle of wine? 这瓶酒我要付关税吗?
- He failed to report for duty on the date indicated. 他没有能在指定日期报到。
- Identify Single and More Crimes on Value Added Tax Invoice 试析增值税专用发票罪的一罪与数罪的认定
- You do not have to pay duty on personal belongings. 个人物品不必缴税。
- You have to pay duty on this camera. 你得为这台相机纳税。
- The government imposes a special duty on oil. 政府征特殊石油税。
- Do not include value added tax on the invoice unless specified. 发票上不要包括增值税,除非有明确说明。
- No duty on things for your own use. 个人用品不用付税。