- See that dust cloud disappear without a trace. 看到乌云消失得无影无踪。
- The meteorite might have caused a huge dust cloud. 陨星可引起巨大的尘埃云。
- On the right marked by red gas and dust clouds, is irregular galaxy M82. 而在右侧有着红色气体和尘埃云的就是不规则星系M82。
- Earth had encountered a dust cloud much as Mariner 4 had done years earlier. 地球遭遇了类似玛瑞纳4号早些年遭遇的尘埃云团。
- Using only backyard telescopes, amateur astronomers are enjoying great views of dust clouds on Mars. 只需用家用型望远镜,业余天文爱好者就能欣赏到火星上的沙尘云团。
- Using a technique known as interferometry, the Keck will study dust clouds around stars where planets may be forming. 运用一项被称作干涉测量法的技术,Keck将研究可能形成行星的恒星周围的气体尘埃。
- Near the center are the reddish nebulae, stars and dust clouds of the central Milky Way. 位于影像中央的是银河系中央的红色星云,恒星以及尘埃云。
- Many elements were also too dispersed in the original dust clouds to be able to solidify into mineral crystals. 许多元素曾经在原始的星际尘中十分分散,可以凝结成矿物晶体。
- Reddish glowing dust clouds are associated with young, hot stars in stellar nurseries. 发出红色辉光的尘埃云则与恒星诞生区内的年轻炽热恒星紧密相联。
- Moments before sunset, a dust cloud settles slowly around tall saguaros after a violent windstorm in Sonora, Mexico. 在墨西哥索诺拉州一场风暴后的日落前瞬间,一团尘雾缓缓萦绕着高大的仙人掌树。
- Near the top, Rho Ophiuchi and nearby stars are immersed in blue reflection nebulae - dust clouds that shine primarily by reflected starlight. 在影像的顶端,心宿增四星和附近的恒星都沉浸在蓝色的反射星云内,这个尘埃云主要是通过反射星光而发光。
- Where the otherwise obscuring dust clouds lie close to the hot, young stars they also reflect starlight, forming blue reflection nebulae. 另一方面模糊的尘埃云靠近年轻炽热恒星的地方会反射星光,形成蓝色的反射星云。
- Landgraf believes this dust cloud could be an important signpost in the search for other planets and life. 但它们现在仍然聚在太阳系周边的事实说明,其正在以每秒钟50吨的速度得到替换,天文学家称,它们是不停地由行星、彗星以及小行星碰撞产生的太空灰尘得到替换的。
- About 1.5 million years young, the cluster stars appear in this colorful skyscape, along with dark dust clouds silhouetted against glowing atomic gas. 这个年轻的恒星团年龄大约有150万年,在这张彩色天空影像里,黑暗尘埃云的侧面轮廓与炽热的原子气体形成了鲜明对比。
- A dark, obscuring dust cloud, the simple, sculpted shape of the Cone Nebula is near the lower left edge. 黑暗、模糊的尘埃云,形状简单的锥形星云位于影像左下边缘附近。
- The rich starfields and dust clouds of our own Milky Way galaxy stretch across the background, along the meteor's glowing trail. 背景是银河系的众恒星聚集地及尘云,并伴着那颗带着明亮尾线的流星。
- Its opponent on the right is composed of the faint stars, dust clouds, and nebulae along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy. 而在对面右侧是由昏暗恒星,尘埃云和星云组成的银河系盘面。
- The first sign of their appearance are the billowing dust clouds, and then over the horizon the low, ugly shapes are visible. 第一个迹象出现,他们都是灰尘滚滚云层,然后在地平线低,形状丑陋清晰可见。
- The rotation of the original gas and dust cloud becomes the revolutions of the planets around the Sun and the rotation of the Sun itself. 气体尘埃云原先的转动,成了行星公转和太阳自转的原动力。
- This whole galaxy menagerie is seen through the faint nebular glow of the Integrated Flux Nebula, a little studied complex of diffuse gas and dust clouds in our Milky Way Galaxy. 整个星系团的方向上有一个昏暗的共同照耀星云,它是银河系中较少研究的复杂且四散的气体尘埃云。