- Simulation on Development and Evolution Mechanism of a Continuous Strong Dust Weather Event 连续强沙尘天气的发展和时空演变机制的数值模拟
- dust weather events 沙尘天气
- Yellow dust weather has already occurred three times in Seoul, Korea this year. 韩国汉城今年至今已出现三次黄尘天气。
- The dust weather, which encroaches on Beijing many times in recent years, is detrimental to people's life and health. 摘要近年来,北京多次受到沙尘天气侵扰,给居民的生活和健康带来不利影响。
- The WMO and its 188 member states are working to set up an early warning system for extreme weather events. 世界气候组织和他的188个成员国家正在努力建立一个极端气候预警平台。
- Yinchuan, Shijiazhuang, Ordos, Harbin, Linyi, such as the airport is expected to have visibility for the 2000-5000 m Jansa, or the dust weather. 哈尔滨、佳木斯、齐齐哈尔、海拉尔、锡林浩特等机场预计有小雪或小阵雪。
- Recently, north part of our country the region frequently had the gale sand dust weather. What is called the sand dust weather?... 近日,我国北方地域频繁发生大风沙尘天气。什么叫沙尘天气呢?...
- More hurricanes like Katrina will ravage our coastal-based economies as extreme weather events continue to mount in frequency, intensity and human impact. 极端气候事件的频率与强度,以及对人类的影响如果持续增加,更多像卡崔娜一样的飓风便会毁坏美国海岸经济。
- Cloudness features of two kinds of sandstorms are presented based on the analysis of two sandstorm weather events. 在研究我国沙暴分布特征的基础上,通过两次沙暴天气的对比分析,给出了沙暴天气的云图特征。
- According to the meteorologistsview, the dust weather has much to do with the scarcity of rain, the dry air and exposed soil with immatureplants in the area. 据气象专家说,恶劣天气是由天旱少雨、空气干燥和植被稀少后土壤裸露造成的。
- The World Meteorological Organization says the rain in South Asia is just one of many extreme weather events this year. 世界气象组织指出,南亚的暴雨仅仅是今年众多极端气候事件之一。
- The eco-environment phenomena, such as desertification, dust weather, soil moisture, soil characteristics, herbage features, etc. have monitored in Qinghai Province. 摘要青海省已开展的生态环境监测项目有沙漠化、沙尘天气、土壤水分、土壤特性、大气特种、牧草特性等监测内容。
- According to the origin,sand dust weather in Qingdao region is classified as outlandish drifting type,inlandish forming type and outlandish drifting-inlandish strengthening type. 按照沙尘的源地和起因,将青岛地区的沙尘天气大体分为外地漂移型、本地生成型以及外地漂移在本地加强型。
- Moreover, with the fast improvement of citified level and fast development of traffic and civil aviation, the loss made by the same sand and dust weather largely increased. 而沙尘暴监测与预警技术的研究在防灾和减灾中就显得尤为紧迫和重要。
- The World Media logical (Meteorological) Organization says the rain in South Asia is just one of many extreme weather events this year. 世界气象组织说南亚的雨洪现象只是今年全球极端气候事件中的一例。
- The SALUS model does not explicitly include submodels to predict pest and disease outbreaks or the occurrence of extreme weather events (e.g. SALUS模型不包括预测病虫害暴发或极端天气(如冰雹)的子模块。
- She says extreme weather events such as storms and floods will spread cholera, typhoid, diarrhea and other deadly diseases. 她说,例如暴雨和洪水等天灾会传播霍乱、风寒、疟疾和其他致命的疾病。
- Attributing the risk of extreme weather events to climate change in this way also has very interesting implications for liability for such events. 以这种方式探究极端天候的成因,同时也会牵涉到令人关注的责任归属问题。
- The interannual variability of dust weather frequency(DWF) in Beijing and its global atmospheric circulation are examined based on the correlation and composite analysis methods in this paper. 本文采用相关和合成的分析方法;研究北京沙尘频次的年际变化及其冬、春季的全球环流背景.
- We recently surveyed newspaper coverage of space weather events since the 1840s and discovered that a significant change occurred around 1950. 我们最近调查了自1840年代起,刊登于报纸上的太空气象事件报导,发现从1950年左右起发生了明显的变化。