- One of the simplest explanations is that the jet is hitting a dust lane or gas cloud and then glows due to the collision. 一个最简单的解释是:喷流击中了一片尘埃带或者气体云,然后在碰撞过程中强烈发光。
- The Galactic Plane of our Milky Way Galaxy, the plane in which the Sun orbits, is identifiable by the dark diagonal dust lane. 我们银河系的盘面,同时也是太阳公转轨道所在的平面,是影像对角线上的黝黑尘埃带。
- Dramatic dust lanes that run across the galaxy's center mark Cen A. 横贯过半人马座A中央的显著尘埃带是这个星系的重要特点。
- Large dust lanes and star clouds dominate the picture. 大量尘埃和恒星云彩占据了图片。
- Divided by obscuring dust lanes, M20's popular moniker is the Trifid. 由于被模糊的尘埃带分隔开,M20有一个广为流传绰号:三裂星云。
- She drives carefully up the rocky lane. 她驾车小心地从这条很多石头的小路上驶过去。
- In the center, the three prominent dust lanes that give the Trifid its name all come together. 在其中央,三道黑暗的尘埃带述说了三裂星云名称的来历。
- In the center, the three huge dark dust lanes that give the Trifid its name all come together. 在星云中央,三道巨大的尘埃暗带会聚在一起,使这个星云以三裂星云为名。
- Below Alnitak is the Flame Nebula with clouds of bright emission and dramatic dark dust lanes. 在参宿一下方是火焰星云,由明亮的发射星云以及生动的黑暗尘埃带组成。
- Also like the Trifid, dark dust lanes are prominent in the nebula's central regions. 同样与三叶星云类似,黑暗的尘埃带在星云中心区域显得格外突出。
- The scene is anchored at the top left by the eerie blue glow and ominous dark dust lanes of reflection nebula M78. 影像顶部左侧被一片可怕的蓝色辉光以及反射星云M78黑暗尘埃带占据着。
- The bright red emission region, roughly separated into three parts by obscuring, dark dust lanes, lends the Trifid its popular name. 明亮的红色发射线区被大致分成边界不清的三部分,从而有了它的大众所知的名字----三叶星云。
- Explanation: Clouds of glowing gas mingle with dust lanes in the Trifid Nebula, a star forming region toward the constellation of Sagittarius. 说明:炽热的气体云混杂着黑暗的尘埃带出现在三裂星云内,该星云是人马座内的一个恒星形成区域。
- That lane will take you to his house. 你从那条小巷就可以走到他家。
- The lane was thronged with shoppers. 这条狭窄的街上挤满了购物的人群。
- Prominent spiral arms traced by dark dust lanes and blue star clusters lend this galaxy its popular name of the Southern Pinwheel. 显著的旋臂上存在着黑暗的尘埃带和蓝色星团,因此该星系也就被称为南风车星系。
- In addition to its spiral dust lanes, striking tendrils of dust seem to be rising from the galactic disk in this gorgeous view. 除了它的螺旋尘埃带外,在这张绚丽的图像中还能看到显著的尘埃卷须状物从星系圆盘中突起。
- If you want to drive fast, use the outside lane. 如果你要开快车,请用外车道。
- The motor car disappeared in eddy of dust. 汽车在一片扬尘的涡流中不见了。
- The lane is the boundary of our land. 那条小路就是我们这片地的界线。