- A period signals the end of a sentence. 句号表示一个句子结束了。
- The relative duration of a tone or rest. 音的长短音符或休止符的相对长度
- The duration of a syllable in quantitative verse. 音节长短在音量的诗歌中某音节的音长
- The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes. 某一时期的文学可反映出该时期的价值观念和审美观念。
- How long is the duration of a joint venture? 那么合营期限呢?
- A period or turn of duty, as at the helm of a ship. (轮值或值班的一班)值班的时间或轮换,如在轮船的舵旁的值班
- The first or early part of a period of time. (时间的)前段一段时间的最开始或开头部分
- The replacement of one image by another during a period of time by the motion of a boundary separating the visual parts of the two images. 在图象显示期间,一幅图象由另一幅图象取代。同一屏幕上,两幅图象的可见部分有一分界线,移动这一分界线,把一幅图象逐渐抹掉(划出), 逐渐显示另一幅图象(划入)。
- Each episode would last the duration of a burning joss stick. 每集故事的时间长度为一炷香的时间。
- Any consecutive set of descriptive clauses terminated by a period, written in the identification, environment, or procedure divisions of a COBOL program. COBOL源程序中在标识部、环境部或过程部中所书写的,用句号结尾的一组连贯的描述子句。
- Of course,in some counties and districts it is necessary to fix a period of time for each,but the duration of the struggle should not be too long. 当然在各个县、区还有划分打与拉的阶段的必要,但打的阶段不宜过于拖长。
- Fourth cover: Outside back cover of a periodical. 封四:期刊的封底。
- Of course, in some counties and districts it is necessary to fix a period of time for each, but the duration of the struggle should not be too long. 当然在各个县、区还有划分打与拉的阶段的必要,但打的阶段不宜过于拖长。
- Repetition of a theme in notes one-quarter or one-half the duration of the original. 减音把音符紧缩为原始时值的四分之一或二分之一的重复主题的方法
- The literature of a period reflect its value and taste. 某一时期的文学可反映出该时期的价值观念和审美观念。
- The term or duration of such a contract. 租期这样一种契约的期限或持续时间
- The duration of the examination is three hours. 考试时间为三个小时。
- duration of a period 一节课时间
- A suit in card games that outranks all other suits for the duration of a hand. 一套王牌玩牌时一盘之内大于所有其他牌的一组牌
- Limited to the duration of an episode; temporary. 短暂的仅限于一个插曲持续的时间; 短暂的