- Keywords gene expression;fatty acid binding protein;ductal infiltrating carcinoma;breast; 基因表达;脂肪酸结合蛋白;浸润性导管癌;乳腺;
- ductal infiltrating carcinoma 浸润性导管癌
- infiltrating carcinoma of lactiferous duct 乳管浸润性癌
- Conclusion LEEP electrotome is a very ideal therapy of cervical disease and can block the development of precancerosis to infiltrating carcinoma effectively. 结论LEEP刀对宫颈疾病是一种非常理想的治疗方法,并有效阻断癌前病变发展为浸润癌。
- The result showed that within 40 weeks, there were atypical hyperplasia (5, 6, 5, 4 cases separately); carcinoma in situ (3, 1, 1, 1 cases separately); infiltrating carcinoma (1 case in large dose serial DNP and PMA administered group). 在40周内,分别见不典型性增生及异型鳞状化生5、6、6及7例次,原位癌依次为3、1、1及1例,而大剂量DNP+PMA组及低剂量多次给药组各诱发浸润癌一例。
- This is infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast. 乳腺浸润性导管癌。
- On biopsy, this was an infiltrating ductal carcinoma. 活检证实为乳腺浸润性导管癌。
- lobular infiltrating carcinoma of breast 乳房浸润性小叶状癌
- Both intraductal and infiltrating ductal carcinoma are seen here. 同时看到导管内癌与浸润性导管癌。
- Results:9 pancreatic islet cell tumors were all hypervascular with clear margin,no blood vessel and pancreatic duct infiltration. 结果:9例胰岛细胞瘤均富血供,边界清楚,与周围胰腺分界清楚,无血管、胰管侵犯。
- Results: 9 pancreatic islet cell tumors were all hypervascular with clear margin, no blood vessel and pancreatic duct infiltration. 结果:9例胰岛细胞瘤均富血供,边界清楚,与周围胰腺分界清楚,无血管、胰管侵犯。
- The presence of isolated single cells is very suggestive of infiltrative carcinoma, but I have seen aspirates from pure DCIS that contain these isolated cells. 此例中细胞单一、分散更支持是侵润性的癌,但是我曾经在一例乳腺导管原位癌的穿刺涂片中也看到这样孤立单一的细胞。
- A nest of metastatic infiltrating ductal carcinoma from breast is seen in a dilated lymphatic channel in the lung. 肺扩张的淋巴管可见来自乳腺浸润性导管癌转移灶。
- Microscopically, metastatic infiltrating ductal carcinoma from breast is seen on the right, with normal liver parenchyma on the left. 镜下可见,右侧为乳腺浸润性导管癌的转移灶,左侧为正常肝实质。
- At high magnification, metastatic infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast is seen within bone and filling the marrow cavity. 高倍放大显示转移的乳腺浸润性导管癌,骨内和骨髓腔内布满这种转移性病变。
- The irregular mass lesion seen here is an infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast. 不规则块状病变是乳腺浸润性导管癌。
- This is a case of proven metastatic, low grade infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast. 这是一例已被证实的乳腺低级别浸润性导管癌。
- infiltrative carcinoma of cervix uteri 子宫颈浸润癌
- We reported a case of advanced infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the left breast (T4N2M0). 本文中之病患为一末期左侧浸润性乳管癌患者,癌症分期为T4N2M0。
- diffuse infiltrative carcinoma of stomach 弥漫浸润型胃癌