- ducol punched card 每列多孔卡片
- A perforation,as in a punched card or paper tape. 在穿孔卡片或纸带上穿孔的一种动作。
- A perforation, as in a punched card or paper tape. 在穿孔卡片或纸带上穿孔的一种动作。
- punch card system 穿孔卡片系统
- A group of adjacent card columns on a punch card. 穿孔卡片上一组相邻的列。
- One of the horizontal lines on a punched card. 穿孔卡片上的水平行。
- Help! I'm trapped in a binary punch card factory! 救命!我被困在了一个二进制穿孔卡片工厂里!
- Card system: No such user or wrong password! 用户帐号或密码不对。
- The first step is to read the contents of a punch card into a core. 第一步是把穿孔卡的内容读入磁心。
- A punched card which is an exact copy of a previous punched card. 一种穿孔卡片,它是先前某个穿孔卡片的准确无误的拷贝。
- Commission on Codification Ciphering and Punched Card Techniques. 作者 :International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
- The adjacent card rows at the bottom of a punch card. 穿孔卡片的底部各邻接的行。
- To punch identical hole patterns into each punch card of a card deck. 把同样的信息孔穿在一叠卡片中的每一张上。
- A line of punch positions parallel to the Y datum line of a punch card. 和卡片的Y基准线平行的一行穿孔位置。
- Many hotels are trying to increase security by using a key card system. 许多酒店试图通过使用钥匙卡系统提高客房安全。
- A line of punch positions parallel to the shorter edges of a punch card. 平行于穿孔卡短边的一行穿孔位置。
- First, the files of the system need to be converted to and maintained as punched cards. 穿孔卡片系统自己处理的工作有:记录、分类、比较、计算、汇总和报告。
- punched card system 穿孔卡系统
- We could use a plain card system where we write out a card for each person with the appropriate facts on each. 可以采用普通卡片系统,即给每人备一张卡片,记载有关的情况。
- "Reading" is taking the coded information from punched cards or paper tape. “读出”就是从穿孔长片或纸带上提取代码信息。