- duck webs with soy sauce 拌鸭掌
- Please bring me steak with soy sauce. 请给我的牛排来点酱油。
- He soiled his T-shirt with soy sauce. 他的T恤衫沾上了酱油,脏了。
- I do like to eat this kind of fried fish with soy sauce. 我就喜欢这种红烧鱼。
- Feast on barbecued abalone and other delicacies flavored with soy sauce. 也可以坐下来享受一下令人垂涎的烤鲍鱼以及用酱油烹制的美味。
- Marinade the beef with soy sauce, salt, cornflour and grape seed oil. 以生抽、盐、粟粉及葡萄籽油把牛肋肉腌匀。
- The Vegetable Stir Fry has tofu that is marinated with soy sauce, ginger and garlic. B. 炒青菜里带有酱油、姜和大蒜腌泡的豆腐。
- You can have many kinds of methods to eat fish, fried, stew in clear soup, braising with soy sauce, etc. 你可以有很多种吃鱼的方法,油炸,清炖,红烧,等等。
- The Vegetable Stir Fry has tofu that is marinated with soy sauce, ginger and garlic. 炒青菜里带有酱油、姜和大蒜腌泡的豆腐。
- Duck Wings Seasoned with Soy Sauce 酱鸭翅
- I'd like some shrimp-roe soy sauce with it. 我希望用些虾子酱蘸着吃。
- Cut the spareribs into 2.5 cm pieces,marinate with soy sauce and wine for 30 minutes. Reserve soy sauce in bowl. 将带肉猪肋骨(排骨)切成2.;5厘米的小段,用酱油、酒腌30分钟;将青葱切丝待用;
- And do not, under any circumstances, try to improve her mother's food by dousing it with soy sauce. 还有,记得在任何情形下,都不要往你女友的母亲碗里倒酱油。
- Duck webs with mustard sauce 例:芥末鸭掌
- Live conch tastes great and has tender texture, which would not deteriorate even overcooked.Can be served with soy sauce. 新鲜响螺肉质鲜嫩,即使久煮也不会老韧,煲汤后不必弃掉,可点酱油食。
- Throw together a quick stir-fry with frozen veggies and either boneless chicken or (my favorite) tofu with soy sauce or tamari. 炒菜:将冰冻的蔬菜跟剔骨的鸡肉或者是我喜欢的豆腐扔入锅中加上酱油一起旺火煸炒;
- The guests are generally treat with the barbecue dinner, which the meat is cut into cubes or slices, marinated with soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, onions and other spices. 韩国人请客吃饭一般都是吃烤肉,将切好的肉片用酱油,香油,芝麻,大蒜,葱和其它调味品腌泡,然后放在火盘上烧烤。
- Braised goose webs with sea cucumber and fish maw. 花胶海参烩鹅掌。
- Rub the duck all over with soy sauce and rub it thoroughly for several minutes 用酱油把鸭身全部抹遍并连续摩擦几分钟
- I'd like some shrimp - roe soy sauce with it. 我希望用些虾子酱蘸着吃。