- It is no use trying to drown your sorrows in drink. 想借酒浇愁於事无补。
- I'm afraid he took his solace in drink. 恐怕他是借酒浇愁。
- A waiter enters with a roast duck in a dish. 招待员端盘而入,盘中有一只烤鸭。
- Much to his embarrassment, the captain made duck in each innings. 队长在每一次击球时都零分,这真太使他窘迫了。
- He stands there like a duck in thunder. 他站在那,惊慌失措。
- There are five duck in the yard. 院子里有五只鸭子。
- She drowned her sorrow in drink. 她借酒消愁。
- You can have Beijing Duck in Quan Ju De Restaurant. 你可以在全聚德饭店吃到北京烤鸭。
- There was no doubt that he was in drink. 毫无疑问他喝碎了。
- He talked too much when he was in drink. 他醉后话太多。
- It is no use trying to drown your sorrow in drink. 想借酒浇愁於事无补。
- Do not drown your troubles in drink. 别借酒消愁。
- I am afraid he took his solace in drink. 恐怕他是借酒浇愁。
- Donald, he is the most special duck in Disney cartoon. 唐老鸭,这个迪士尼动画中最特别的鸭子。
- It is no use trying to drownyour sorrows in drink. 想借酒浇愁于事无补。
- Temperance involves much more control than moderation in drink. 节制包括的远不止饮酒方面的自制。
- He made fifty in his first innings but a duck in his second. 他在第一局获得50分,第二局却得零分。
- Much to his embarrassment,the captain made duck in each innings. 队长在每一次击球时都零分,这真太使他窘迫了。
- duck in drink 泡在水中
- It was impossible for him to keep a secret when he was in drink. 他醉的时候是不能保守秘密的。