- dualism of Zoroastrianism 琐罗亚斯德教二元论
- Hold the dualism of the job and life concurrently at the same time. 同时兼有工作与生活的双重性。
- A body of ancient Persian writings, a sacred text of Zoroastrianism. 阿维斯塔古波斯语中的一种文体,用来书写祆教圣书
- A style of ancient Persian writings,a sacred text of Zoroastrianism. 阿维斯塔古波斯语中的一种文体,用来书写祆教圣书。
- But the religious fermentation of the world did not leave the supremacy of Zoroastrianism undisputed in the Persian Empire. 但世间的宗教动荡并没有让袄教在波斯帝国享有不可争议的独尊地位。
- Capitalistic private ownership and market economy define the dualism of capitalist economy, that is, private and sociality. 资本主义私有制和市场经济共同决定了资本主义经济的两重性,即私人性和社会性。
- The chief deity of Zoroastrianism,the creator of the world,the source of light,and the embodiment of good. 奥尔穆兹德拜火教(波斯教)的主要神明,世界的创造者、光明的源泉和善的化身。
- It leaves us with a dualism of properties, or qualities, that is just as baffling. 在特征和性质方面仍存在二元论,也同样令人迷惑不解。
- On the other hand, there is a story of Ahriman, the evil god in popular developments of Zoroastrianism, killing a bull. 在另一方面,有一个关于恶神的故事,邪恶的神通常是琐罗亚斯德教发展起来,杀了一只公牛。
- The dualism of liberal vs vocational education seems very common in educational history. 摘要技职教育与博雅或通识教育长时间来一直处于二元对立。
- The chief deity of Zoroastrianism, the creator of the world, the source of light, and the embodiment of good. 奥尔穆兹德拜火教(波斯教)的主要神明,世界的创造者、光明的源泉和善的化身。
- It is beneficial to understand and study the meaning and dualism of Primitivism in both painting and music. 原始主义在绘画与音乐间存在的意义和共有的特色值得瞭解与深究。
- These historians sometimes refer to this variation of Zoroastrianism as Zurvanism. 这些历史学家提到琐罗亚斯德教的变体祖以万教。
- From the philosophical dualism of the subject and the object, interest exists independent of the object world. 从哲学的主客体二元对立出发,利益是独立于主体世界而存在。
- The student of Zoroastrianism is confronted by several problems concerning the religion's founder. 琐罗亚斯德教的研究者碰上了几个有关宗教奠基人的问题。
- This target demands the research and subject-building of teacher-training have the dualism of specialty and pedagogy. 这一目标要求师范教育的科研及学科建设具有专业性与教育学双重特性。
- SHAM takes advantage by cleverly marketing the dualism of victimization and empowerment. SHAM聪明的以受害和授权的双重性做为行销点。
- Later forms of Zoroastrianism teach a resurrection of the dead, a teaching for which some basis may be found in the Gathas. 琐罗亚斯德教后期是关于从死亡中复活的教导,这种教导在《迦特》也找到一些根据。
- In philosophic field, the dualism of consciousness and body has changed into monism. 哲学界意识与身体的“二元论”过渡到“一元论”;
- After centuries of obscurity, the ancient faith of Zoroastrianism had a new visibility, and a symbolic standard to raise. 几个世纪的陷匿之后,琐罗亚斯德教的古代信仰拥有一个新的可见度,一个新的象征标准上升了。