- dual link failure 双链路故障
- A Novel P-Cycle Protection Algorithm for Dual Link Failures in Mesh Optical Networks 格状光网络双链路故障P圈保护算法
- Generally speaking, we have contacted in the near future the male version, has used the double dual link dvi disposition. 一般来说,我们近期所接触过的公版,都采用了双dual link dvi的配置。
- If a connector cannot transfer messages, the advanced queuing engine notifies the routing engine of a link failure. 如果连接器无法传输邮件,高级排队引擎将通知路由引擎链路出现故障。
- If you use X.400 connectors, and the connector cannot transfer messages, the Exchange MTA informs the routing engine that a link failure occurred. 如果使用X.;400连接器;但是该连接器无法传输邮件;则xchange MTA会通知路由引擎发生了链路故障。
- When Exchange queuing notices a link failure to the bridgehead server on a connector, routing relays this information to the routing group master. 当Exchange队列将链接故障通知给连接器上的桥头服务器时,路由将此信息中继给路由组主服务器。
- The improved DSR greatly increasesboth the available bandwith for upper layer traffics and the accurate level of thedetection of the link failure. 改进后的DSR协议为上层业务提供的可用带宽和对链路失效的判断的准确度都大大提高。
- A link control protocol is defined for the mult-link management to control link identification, link blocking and link failure conditions. 链路控制协议被规定用于多链路管理来控制链路标识,链路阻塞和链路故障状态。
- The link equipment failure procedure (LEF) operation detects link failures and notifies concerned parties about them. 链路设备故障过程 (LEF) 操作检测链路故障并通知与之有关的各方。
- The SS7 environment provides rerouting, error correction and retransmission capabilities for continuous service in the event of signaling point or link failures. 七号信令环境在信令点或链路失效的情况下为提供连续的服务,提供了重建路由、纠错和重新发射的功能。
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
- Whereafter, a methodology was presented to compute travel time reliability in static road networks with dependent link failures and multi-states. 接下来对不同路段交通状态完全相互独立、多状态的路段的静态路网,提出了新的行程时间可靠度估计方法。
- The road opened out into a dual carriageway. 这条路已扩展成了复式车行道。
- The SS7 environment provides rerouting,error correction and retransmission capabilities for continuous service in the event of signaling point or link failures. 七号信令环境在信令点或链路失效的情况下为提供连续的服务,提供了重建路由、纠错和重新发射的功能。
- The concept of K-terminal residual connectedness reliability is extended to the network with link failures and a Monte Carlo method based on RVR is proposed to estimate it. 将K-终端剩余连通可靠度的概念推广到链路存在失效状态的网络模型上,并提出了计算该可靠度的基于RVR的蒙特卡洛方法。
- Correlated Link Failure Probability (CLFP) 相关链路失效概率
- He was bewailing his failure in the examination. 他为考试不及格而悲伤。
- She was constantly spurred on by a fear of failure. 对失败的恐惧不断地激励着她。
- His dual role as a composer and a conductor made him very busy. 他作曲家和指挥家的双重身份使他非常繁忙。