- dual labor relation 双重劳动关系
- dual labor relations 两重劳动关系
- The corporation is a governance structure of labor relation. 摘要企业是一种劳动关系的治理结构。
- The bad labor relations lead to walkout. 4不好的劳动关系引起罢工。
- Piore, M.J., 1970, "The Dual Labor Market: Theory and Applications," in R.Barringer and S.H.Beer(eds) The State and the Poor, Cambridge, Mass: Winthrop. 樊纲、王小鲁和张立文;2001;中国经济改革研究基金会国民经济研究所;工作论文.
- Labor relation is the most basic social relation of the modern society, without it there will be not social harmony. 摘要劳动关系是现代社会最基本的社会关系,没有劳动关系的和谐就没有社会的和谐。
- The company and the labor (Hereafter called Employee) establish labor relation and make labor contract. 公司与劳动者(以下简称员工)确立劳动关系,订立劳动合同。
- The results indicate that dual labor market exits in China at present, and hukou is one of the most important factors that prevent rural workers from being employed in primary labor market. 研究表明,目前中国的劳动力市场依然存在二元分割;户口是限制农村劳动者进入主要劳动力市场的重要因素之一;
- The YX lawyers have practice and experience in company operation、labor relation、real estate project etc. 具有丰畜的处理公司运作、劳资关系及房地产项目经营的理论及实务经验。
- It's difficult to smoothen the labor relation in the course of reforming on the operation mechanism of an enterprise. 企业改制的难点是理顺劳动关系。
- He was picked as mediator for his track record in labor relations. 他被选为调解人,因为他在劳资关系方面的跑道纪录很好。
- The essence of fact labor relation consists in a maintenance and carrying out the legal rights of the labourer,pursuing substantia... 事实劳动关系的本质之核,在于维护与实现劳动者的合法权益,追求实质上的劳动公平。
- The essay analyses the changes for China labor relation in the transition form planned economics to market economics and the characteristics for labor relation bef... 本文着重分析了向市场经济过渡中的中国劳动关系的变化,并阐述了产权明晰前和产权明晰后的劳动关系的主要特征。
- A Test of the Dual Labor Market Theory in China 二元制劳动力市场分割理论在中国的验证
- The harmonious degree of Labor relations will affect that of the whole society. 劳动关系的和谐程度影响着整个社会的和谐程度。
- The model of simple control labor relation coexists with the unregulated labor market.It effectively pre-empts the Trade Union, and fragmentizes workers both with and without long-term contracts. 简单控制型的劳动关系与非正规劳动力市场有着重要的依存关系,它有效地瓦解了工会的作用,并使固定工以及劳务工们在市场中碎片化。
- On the Dual Labor Market in and out of the Chinese System 论我国体制内外二元劳动力市场
- The road opened out into a dual carriageway. 这条路已扩展成了复式车行道。
- After laid-off workers are re-employed,they should sever labor relations with their original enterprises. 下岗职工再就业以后,要与原企业解除劳动关系。
- After laid-off workers are re-employed, they should sever labor relations with their original enterprises. 下岗职工再就业以后,要与原企业解除劳动关系。