- dual ion implantation 离子双注入
- Effects of the Ion Implantation on Castanea mallissime BL[J]. 引用该论文 项艳;刘正祥;胡蕙露;张良富.
- The experimental results on fabricating the bipolar ECL silicon IC by ion implantation are reported. 本文简要叙述用离子注入法制造双极硅ECL集成电路的实验结果。
- Thc mutagenic effects of Vc strains by low encrgy ion implantation have been studied. 对低能离子注入Vc生产菌的诱变效应进行研究。
- The distribution of ion implantation dose on the target surface is not uniform, with a peak near the target corner. 注入离子剂量在靶表面的分布不均匀,在边角附近出现峰值;
- A light-sensitive polymer material removed which is used as a mask etching and ion implant steps. 一种暴露于紫外线光即产生聚合作用之抗蚀感光原料,用于化学蚀刻.
- M.Farley, B.Simonton, in “Ion Implantation Science and Technology”, Ion Implantation Technology Co.Yorktown 1996. 宋慧娟等编著,人类与自然科学,五南图书出版公司印行,2003/09。
- First, high-current metal ion implantation with the development of a synthesis of metal silicide of new technologies. 首先用强流金属离子注入发展出合成金属硅化物的新技术。
- The codeposition of Mo-Ni by electroplating and ion implantation were used to add molybdenum into coatings. 又采用钼-镍合金电镀和离子注入钼+铬硅共渗的方法, 得到了含钼的铬硅渗层。
- Abstract: This paper introduces the application and development of ion plating, ionodialysis, ion implantation and the compound technology. 文摘:介绍了离子镀、离子渗、离子注入及其复合工艺的应用与发展。
- From the perpendicular FMR spectra measured, the variation of the magnetic anisotropy with ion implantation dose is determined. 根据实验测得的垂直FMR谱,确定了氮离子注入层的磁各向异性随注入剂量而变的关系。
- Nal dual ion beam processing machine 多功能双离子束加工机
- The variation of the dangling bonds with annealing temperature in a-Si: F produced by ion implantation is measured by EPR. 本文用电子顺磁共振(EPR)测量了离子注入a-Si:F中悬键密度随退火温度变化的关系。
- Therefore, it is thought that low energy N(superscript +) ion implantation can improve the budding and survival rate of Portulaca oleracea L. 由此可见,一定剂量范围内的低能N(上标+)注入会提高马齿苋种子的发芽率和成活率。
- multi-functional dual ion beam processing machine 多功能双离子束加工机
- The field emission and photoluminescence properties of ZnO nananeedles prepared at various ion implantation conditions were compared. 改变不同离子布植以及布植时间的不同,探讨其表面结构、场发射以及发光行为。
- Dual ion beam sputtering deposition 双离子束溅射沉积
- Mutagenic Effect of Ion Implanting on Gluconobacter Oxydans[J]. 引用该论文 吕树娟;王军;姚建铭.
- This paper introduces the application and development of ion plating, ionodialysis, ion implantation and the compound technology. 介绍了离子镀、离子渗、离子注入及其复合工艺的应用与发展。
- The influence of ion implantation on the superconductivities of Yttrium-based and Bi-based superconductors is described. 描述了离子注入对钇系和铋系超导体超导电性的影响。