- dual fuzzy complex control 双模糊复合控制
- According to the property of large and pure lag and parameter time-varying of the cone crusher, the paper puts forward the fuzzy complex control method. 针对圆锥破碎机控制系统的大纯滞后和参数时变的特点,提出了模糊复合控制方法。
- In the end,it points out that fuzzy neural control,adaptive fuzzy control and fuzzy rough control are the available methods in the analysis and design of complex control syst. 最后,对模糊控制的研究进行了展望,指出了模糊-神经技术和自适应模糊控制、模糊-粗糙控制等必将成为解决复杂系统控制的有效途径。
- In this paper, the concepts of fuzzy complex setand fuzzy complex number are introduced and their fundamental properties are discussed. 本文引入了模糊复集合与模糊复数的基本概念,并且讨论了它们的若干基本性质。
- In order to confirm each evaluation index of water sample and improve the precision of water quality rank evaluation, Fuzzy Complex Index Method(FCIM) is introduced. 为合理确定水样各评价指数的权重,提高水样水质等级的计算精度,提出了模糊综合指数法(FCIM)。
- Set the Customers table in the Data Sources Window to use the new complex control. 在“数据源”窗口中设置“Customers”表,以使用新的复杂控件。
- This walkthrough creates a complex control that displays rows of data from a table. 本演练创建显示表中多行数据的复杂控件。
- It’s not required to interpolate complex control systems, so programming is simple and flexible. 不需要对于情况更为复杂的控制系统部分进行插值处理,编程简单灵活;
- For the most part, templates are supported by complex controls. 在大多数情况下,复杂的控件支持模板。
- Evaluation on the suitability of land resource to tea in a small scalewas performed with mathematical methods such as successive regressionand fuzzy complex judgement,consulting the evaluation system of a Frame-work For Land Evaluation issued by FAO. 参照联合国粮农组织(FAO)颁布的《土地评价纲要》(A framework for land evalua-tion)的评价系统,应用回归分析和模糊综合评判等数学方法,对小区域(紫阳县尚坝乡)土地资源进行宜茶性评价。
- S7-200 PLC whether it functions in single operation or connected network can realize the complex control functions. S7-200 PLC的强大功能使其无论单机运行,或连成网络都能实现复杂的控制功能。
- With the optional Technology Package, you gain an advanced navigation system that, unfortunately, uses a complex control and a low-resolution screen. 与另购的技术包,您可以获得先进的导航系统,不幸的是,使用一个复杂的控制和低分辨率屏幕。
- VLIW chips don't need most of the complex control circuitry that superscalar chips must use to coordinate parallel execution at runtime. VLIW芯片不需要超级标量芯片为运行时协调并行处理所采用的复杂控制电路。
- With the strategy, it can construct fault trees highly automatically, compatibly and briefly for complex control systems. 本文给出的故障树建造方法,不仅能较好地解决复杂控制系统的建树的开放性和可移植性,而且自动化程度较高。
- DSP Based Dual Fuzzy Controller for Tyre Moulding and Curing Process 基于DSP的翻胎硫化工艺的双模糊控制器
- The interlocks and complex control circuit in the unit of gasification as well as the realizing method in DCS are explained. 简单介绍了恩德炉的工艺流程,说明了装置中复杂控制回路和联锁以及在DCS中实现方法,最后介绍了现场仪表的使用情况。
- The high and low pressure balance valves on the pressure system adopt the new electric-hydro complex control on-off vales. 压力平衡系统的高、低压平衡阀均采用新研制的电液复合控制开关阀。
- Research Advances in Fuzzy Complex Integration 模糊复积分理论研究进展
- The road opened out into a dual carriageway. 这条路已扩展成了复式车行道。
- A conventional processor dedicates a relatively large fraction of its transistors to complex control logic, to maximise performance of a serial code. 一个传统的处理器使用相当多的微小的晶体管来构成复杂的逻辑控制系统,擅长处理一连串的指令代码。