- Data communication protocol based on dual CAN bus for digital servo drive 基于双CAN总线的数字伺服通信协议
- Can bus means controller area network bus. CAN总线即控制器局域网总线,特别适合于小型分布式测控系统。
- CAN BUS perse is one exoteric system. CAN BUS本身是一个开放的系统。
- dual CAN bus 双CAN总线
- Based on CAN bus, the reciprocal type fire alarm system. 基于CAN总线的对等式火灾报警系统。
- In this paper, the character of CAN bus was introduced and the. 介绍CAN总线的特点,以及它在弧焊机器人控制系统设计中的具体应用。
- In 1986, BOSCH company developed CAN bus for automotive. CAN总线是Bosch公司在1986年为解决汽车中众多的测量与执行仪器之间的数据交换而开发的一种现场总线。
- Residence zone intelligent control terminal on CAN bus is introduced. 介绍了基于CAN总线的住宅智能化控制终端。
- The design of universial monitoring system based on CAN bus was given. 提出了一种基于CAN总线的通用型监控系统的设计方案。
- In the end, the CAN bus communication protocol of the system is provided. 最后给出该系统的CAN总线通信协议。
- So the EV CAN bus application layer protocol based on SAE J1939 is developed. 基于汽车CAN总线在卡车和客车中的标准SAE J1939协议,本文设计了纯电动汽车的应用层协议,对每个报文的标识符和数据进行了定义。
- The system is also compatible with CAN bus, simplifying integration to loggers. 该系统也与CAN总线兼容,这使得其与数据记录器的集成更简便。
- And finally the interconversion between Ethernet and CAN bus was realized. 最终实现了以太网协议与CAN总线协议的相互转换。
- Intelligential measuring and controlling node based on CAN bus is introduced. 摘要介绍了基于CAN总线技术的智能测控节点。
- A new CAN bus repeater and expansion of the chip can support to 1M / S. 一款最新的CAN总线中继和扩展芯片;可以支持到1M/S.
- The paper introduces a method of Automatic Baud Rate Detection in Automatic Instrument based on CAN bus. 介绍了一种CAN总线仪表数据通讯波特率的自寻方法。
- The design and realization of intellectual adapter based on CAN bus are discussed. 主要论述了基于CAN总线的智能适配卡(PC-CAN适配卡)的设计与实现。
- The design and realization of substation monitoring system based on CAN bus and DSP is introduced. 介绍了基于控制器局域网 (CAN)总线和数字信号处理器 (DSP)的变电站监控系统的设计与实现。
- The road opened out into a dual carriageway. 这条路已扩展成了复式车行道。
- This paper developed an AC servo motion control system based on both RS232 and CAN bus. 本文研究了VC++中的用串口和CAN总线通讯的方法,设计了一种用RS232和CAN总线控制多轴伺服运动控制系统。