- dry mineral matter free 无水无矿物质
- A rounded mass of mineral matter found in sedimentary rock. 混凝土发现于沉积岩中的圆形矿石块
- A rounded massof mineral matter found in sedimentary rock. 混凝土发现于沉积岩中的圆形矿石块。
- Water that has fallen as rain and contains little dissolved mineral matter. 雨水作为雨降下的水,含有少量溶解了的矿物质。
- Ready-to-use 2K EIFS based on VAE emulsions offer a number of important performance advantages over traditional dry mineral binding systems. 使用双组分乳液型外墙外保温系统相对于传统的单组分干粉系统具有如下优势性能。
- The effect of Joule heat and mineral matter on conductivity of coal has been studied. 主要讨论了焦耳热效应和矿物质对煤导电性质的影响。
- The mineral matter in anthracite has no influence on the variation of microstructure during gasification. 煤中矿物质对无烟煤焦气化过程中孔结构的变化不产生影响。
- The influences of coal rank,ope-rating conditions and mineral matter in coal on phenol adsorption of the active car-bons have been investigated. 同时综述了这方面的新成果,以期对该法制活性炭的脱酚性能得到全面了解。
- Opuntia dillenii, which contains affluent amino, trace element, protein, vitamin, mineral matter and so on, can be used as greens and medicine. 仙人掌在临床上具有降血脂、降血糖和抗肿瘤等作用,但其作用成分、药理机制等尚未得到很好的阐明。
- The effects of coal rank,pyrolytic temperature of coal and mineral matter in coals or chars on their ignition temperature were determined. 使用可在加压下测定着火点的装置,研究了煤化程度、煤中矿物质和煤焦干馏温度对煤或煤焦的催化着火的影响。
- Effect of mineral matter in anthracite on its gasification reactivity with steam and CO_2 was investigated by thermo-gravimetric analysis. 在水蒸汽和二氧化碳2种气氛下,采用热重方法考察了6种中国典型无烟煤中矿物质对气化活性的影响。
- Opuntia Dillenii, which contains affluent aminoacid, trace element, protein, vitamin, mineral matter and so on, can be used as greens and medicine. 仙人掌在临床上具有降血脂、降血糖和抗肿瘤等作用。
- Mineral matters accumulate and keep their petrological features in coal. 矿物质大量富集,并基本保持煤中原有的形态特征。
- The reactivity of different anthracite chars is closely related to the content and composition of mineral matter and to the structure of deashed anthracite chars. 这与煤中矿物质含量和组成及脱灰后孔结构特征不同有密切关系,脱灰后的无烟煤焦与水蒸汽反应的活化能减小,确良而与二氧化碳反应的活化能随煤种的不同而变化。
- The combustion characteristics of macerals from four coals and the effcet of inherent mineral matter on comubstion were investigated by means of thermogravimetry. 本文用热天平考察了平朔煤、红阳煤、大同煤和东胜煤显微组分的燃烧特性,以及原生矿物质对显微组分燃烧的影响。
- The difference in quality of milk depends chiefly on the quantity of fat therein: casein, lactose, and mineral matter being nearly constant, water varying but little unless milk is adulterated. 奶质量的差异主要取决于它所含脂肪的数量。酪蛋白、糖、物质几乎是稳定的,水有变化但也很小,否则就是奶中掺假。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。
- The old well was bricked up when it ran dry. 旧井干枯以后被人用砖堵上了。
- The results show that different mineral matters have a different effect on the evolution of sulfur compound in AP-TPR. 结果表明:由于煤中矿物质种类的不同;在AP-TPR条件下对不同含硫气体的逸出有不同的影响.
- The road is only negotiable in the dry season. 这条道只有在旱季才能通行。