- Peace has no drums and trumpets to stir the pulse. 和平没有鼓动人们情绪的鼓号。英汉大词典
- From Chongqing, like to play flute and trumpet. 来自重庆,爱好长笛和小号演奏。
- The hero is always introduced with a flourish of drums and trumpets. 英雄总是在鼓角齐鸣中出
- Beats: music, usually with heavy drum and bass. 强音拍,强节奏:通常带有很强的击鼓声和贝司乐的音乐。
- I tapped on her drum and asked her how come. 问她这一切所为何来。
- Strike up the drum and march courageously. 敲响战鼓,奋勇向前。
- They put my hands in a metal drum and burned them. 他们把我的手放进一个金属滚筒里烧了。
- The combination of drum and dance lasted a long time. 鼓与舞相结合的形式久已有之。
- Remove the top of the drum and cut a small opening on one side at the bottom. 取下容器顶部,并在底部一侧开一个小孔。
- Drums and gongs were beating boisterously. 锣鼓敲打得很热闹。
- Less drums and none of the songs are chinked-out. 歌里很少用到鼓,也没有一首歌再走chinked-out风格。
- Snare drums and cymbals are traps. 小军鼓和钹是打击乐器。
- The others acknowledge him as their most talented instrumentalist as he can play all the reed instruments, piano and trumpet. 其他人认为他就是他们中最有天分的乐器演奏家,因为他能够演奏所有的簧乐器、钢琴和喇叭。
- But everything was drowned in the lamentable exclamations and trumpet bursts of Jondrette. 但是一切都消失在容德雷特一连串讨人厌的胡扯淡和他那象喇叭样的怪叫声中了。
- Can you play the piano, trumpet and drum or guitar? 你会演奏钢琴、喇叭、鼓或者吉他吗?
- At once we hear the drums and the squawk of trumpets. 我们便立刻听到了鼓声和刺耳的喇叭声。
- In one way, the most controversial thing about the movement is its founder, a 52-year-old onetime grain store clerk and trumpet player in a Chinese police band. 目前最有争议的问题是这个运动的创始人;一个现年五十二岁的前粮食部门职员也是一名前中国警察乐队的小号手.
- Third, and trumpet or practice grasping baby ghost, always said that he encountered how large cattle than he how to cattle than friends, you know Who does not? 其三,和小号抓鬼或者练宝宝,总能遇到说自己大号如何牛比,自己朋友如何牛比,你认识谁谁谁不?
- The beats of the drum were steady and slow. 鼓声平稳而缓慢。
- There was a roll of military drums and then an announcer spoke. 一阵军鼓声之后,一个广播员说道: