- They are awaking to the importance of drug control. 他们开始认识到控制毒品的重要性。
- Hainan Institute for Drug Control. 海南省药品检验所。
- Persisting in drug control according to law. 坚持依法禁毒。
- Criminal legislation for drug control has improved step by step. 禁毒刑事立法逐步完善。
- Americans are awaking to the importance of drug control. 美国人开始认识到控制毒品的重要性。
- However, our country's drug control work continues to face arduous tasks. 展望未来,中国禁毒工作任重道远。
- The UN International Drug Control Programme provides leadership in the global struggle against illicit drugs. 联合国国际药物管制规划署领导打击非法药物的全球斗争。
- The key to drug control work is to arouse the consciousness of the general public. 禁毒的关键在于唤起民众。
- The Chinese people feel keenly the harm of drugs,and know that drug control is in their fundamental interests. 中国人民对毒品危害有切肤之痛,禁毒是中国人民的根本利益所在。
- China has constantly strengthened bilateral and multilateral cooperation in drug control with other countries. 中国不断加强与外国的双边、多边国际禁毒合作。
- The Chinese government takes an active part in international affairs connected with drug control. 中国政府积极参与国际禁毒事务。
- It analyses the world drug abuse situation and develops proposals to strengthen international drug control. 该委员会分析全世界的药物滥用情况并拟订加强国际药物管制的建议。
- Beginning in 1998, the Office of National Drug Control Policy launched a media campaign as part of the “war on drugs. 在1998年开始,国家麻醉品控制政策办公室发动一次媒体攻势作为"同毒品作战"的一部分。
- The Chinese people feel keenly the harm of drugs, and know that drug control is in their fundamental interests. 中国人民对毒品危害有切肤之痛,禁毒是中国人民的根本利益所在。
- China is an active supporter and promoter of cooperation in drug control in the sub-region,as initiated by the UN. 中国积极支持和促进联合国倡导的次区域禁毒合作活动。
- In the meantime,China has published the Yearly Report on Drug Control in China since 1998. 从1998年起,中国开始出版《中国禁毒年度报告》。
- Effective drug control requires a global approach,involving both the countries that are the source of drugs and those in which they are consumed. 有效的毒品管制必须采取通盘对策,毒品产地国和消费国都要参与。
- Q: Since the drug scourge is a global problem, international cooperation in drug control is of great importance. 问:既然毒品问题是一个全球性问题,全球性的禁毒合作就成为题中应有之义。
- China is an active supporter and promoter of cooperation in drug control in the sub-region, as initiated by the UN. 中国积极支持和促进联合国倡导的次区域禁毒合作活动。
- And enabled governments to address weak aspects of their national drug control systems. 使各国能整治本国毒品控制系统的薄弱环节。