- The book is about the use and abuse of power. 这本书论述权力的使用与滥用的问题。
- drug use and abuse 药物使用及滥用
- You can't accept recreational drug use and expect to control the drug problem. 你不可能又接受消遣用吸毒,又期望控制毒品问题。
- These programs can significantly decrease drug use and violent crime. 这些程序可以显著地减少毒品服用和暴力犯罪的情况。
- The use and abuse of water resources are fundamental to the difficult situation or prosperity in the region. 水资源的利用和滥用才是一个地区繁荣或境遇艰难的根本所在。
- It is possible to delink the use and abuse of nature from the growth of economies. 将利用和滥用自然同各种经济的增长相脱离是可能的。
- The Use and Abuse of Class Actions in International Dispute Resolution, in Charles E.F.Rickett and Thomas G.W. 既然受害的团体成员由于懒惰大概漠不体贴而不主张权利,就应该容许违法行为人生存从非法行为收取的果实。
- You can not accept recreational drug use and expect to control the drug problem. 你不可能又接受消遣用吸毒,又期望控制毒品问题。
- They talked about how the uses and abuses of figures to prove things in politics. 他们谈到人们如何在政治问题上使用及滥用数字来混淆视听。
- At the same time, they are warned against the base and animalistic instincts of men who are "all after only one thing" and who use and abuse women as sexual objects. 同时,文化也告诫女孩要堤防那些 只想着一件事 和把女性作为性工具对待和辱虐的男人,因为他们是卑劣者和满足本能需要的禽兽。
- As traffic on the "information superhighway" continues to explode a number of substantive questions about the use and abuse of these information networks arises. 随着信息高速公路上流量的持续爆炸性增长,这些信息网络的使用和滥用就出现了一些重大的问题。
- You can not accept recreational drug use and expect to control the drug problem . 你不可能又接受消遣用吸毒,又期望控制毒品问题。
- Questions associated with marital conflict, drug use and jealousy could generate negative points. 和婚姻冲突、吸毒和妒忌相连的问题可能产生负值。
- Objective To explore the condition of irrational drug use and strengthening the management measure of drug use. 目的探讨医院用药不合理情况及加强药物使用的管理措施。
- The MPAA gave the film an R rating for sexual content, graphic nudity, drug use and language[1]. 因为该片中含有性,裸露镜头,吸毒和脏话,MPAA(美国电影协会)为其分级为R级。
- These films may contain strong profanity strong sexual content/nudity strong violence/gore drug use and smoking. 该级别的电影有严峻渎神的内容、裸露性爱的场景、血腥暴力的场面和吸烟嗑药的镜头。
- To expose to ridicule and abuse. 使受众人的嘲笑或污辱
- These films may contain strong profanity, strong sexual content/nudity, strong violence/gore, drug use and smoking. 该级别的电影有严重渎神的内容、裸露性爱的场景、血腥暴力的场面和吸烟嗑药的镜头。
- Other revised areas of the standard include sections on jaw entrapment; packaging film/age requirements as they pertain to use and abuse testing; and folding mechanisms and hinges. 其他的标准修订部分包括下颚诱陷部分、包装薄膜/其适用的年龄要求及滥用测试,以及折叠机械装置和铰链。