- The story took place on a drowsy summer afternoon. 这个故事发生在一个令人昏昏欲睡的夏日午后。
- drowsy summer weather 使人困倦的夏季天气.
- What is it you don't like about summer weather? 你不喜欢夏天的哪一点呢?
- What is you don't like about summer weather? 你不喜欢夏天的那一点呢?
- What is it you do not like about summer weather? 你不喜欢夏天的哪一点呢?
- The warm summer weather always gives me a sense of wellbeing. 融融夏日总使我心旷神怡。
- He spent his holiday relaxing in the balmy summer weather. 在宜人的夏季天气中,他悠闲地度过了假期。
- I can't stand summer weather. 我受不了夏季的天气。
- What a drowsy summer afternoon. 这是个令人昏昏欲睡的夏日午后。
- Jessie:I hope so. First spring, and then some nice, hot, summer weather. 洁西:但愿如此。一开始是春天,接着就是舒服又热情的夏天。
- In hot summer weather, on the other hand, fat peo-ple may feel unhappy. 另一方面,炎热的夏季会令胖人感到不快。
- I saw them together in the empty and silent house, trapped like a pair of flies on flypaper one of those drowsy summer afternoons, listening breathlessly to the sounds of their own labored breathing. 我曾看见他们在空寂的房间里,陷在一起,像对在令人昏昏欲睡的夏天午时粘在苍蝇纸上的苍蝇,紧张地听着他们自己挣扎时的喘息。
- A polar bear takes a dip in the pool during the warm summer weather at the zoo in Munich, Germany. 德国慕尼黑动物园内的北极熊一边照“镜子”,一边浸泡在水池内以度过炎热的夏天!
- The local agricultural econmy was hurt by the severe storms last sprint,but nearly perfect summer weather helped farmers to bounce back. 去年春天猛烈的风暴使当地的农业受损,但农民们在近乎完美的夏季中很快恢复过来了。
- EXAMPLE: The local agricultural econmy was hurt by the severe storms last sprint, but nearly perfect summer weather helped farmers to bounce back. 去年春天猛烈的风暴使当地的农业受损,但农民们在近乎完美的夏季中很快恢复过来了。
- Temperate seasons are opposite above and below the Equator; when it is summer weather above, it is cold weather below, and vice-versa. 赤道以北和以南地区的温暖季节相反;赤道北是夏季,而南部却是冷凉的气候,反之亦然。
- As the summer weather, construction and decoration materials, in the summer of indoor air pollution will be more serious than other seasons. 由于夏季天气变化、施工条件和装修材料的影响,夏季的室内空气污染会比其他季节更加严重。
- Winemaker's Notes: The long summer weather was mild and moderate, encouraging extra growth,increased berry size with he**ier and tighter clusters. 酿酒师评语:悠长而温和的夏季促进了葡萄的生长;使得果实的颗粒更加饱满.
- I took a sleeping pill and soon came over drowsy. 我吃了一片安眠药,很快就昏昏欲睡了。
- and prance into Sunday-school, some drowsy summer morning, 再找一个夏日清晨,乘大家昏昏欲睡的时候,昂首阔步,