- Do not drown your troubles in drink. 别借酒消愁。
- I've found it's a great mistake to try to drown your troubles in wine.I've got a terrible hangover this morning. 我发觉借酒消愁是一个很大的错误,今天早晨我头疼恶心得厉害。
- You have to face up to life. You can't forever be trying to drown your troubles in wine. 你必须正视人生,不能总是借酒消愁。
- It is no use trying to drown your sorrows in drink. 想借酒浇愁於事无补。
- I hope your troubles will soon blow over. 我希望你的麻烦很快会消散。
- drown your troublesvi. 借酒浇愁
- It is no use trying to drown your sorrow in drink. 想借酒浇愁於事无补。
- Jock: So you've come to drown your sorrows. 乔克:你是来借酒消愁了。
- It was honest of you to tell me your troubles. 你很坦率,告诉了我你的烦恼。
- Chirk up, your troubles will soon be over. 振作起来吧,你的困难很快就会过去。
- Grumbling about your troubles will not cure them. 为你的烦恼发牢骚无济于事。
- Take it from me, your troubles are nearly over. 相信我,你的麻烦就要结束了。
- I hope your troubles clear up soon. 我希望你的困难尽快了结。
- Take it from me,your troubles are nearly over. 相信我,你的麻烦就要结束了。
- Don't let your troubles get on top of you. 不要让麻烦事缠住你。
- It was honest of you to tell your troubles. 你能将苦衷告知是很坦诚的。
- I don't want to add to your troubles. 我不想给你增添麻烦。
- Race up! Your troubles will soon be over. 打起精神来吧!你的困难很快就会过去的。
- JAL: Where to leave your troubles when you fly JAL. 日航:乘坐日航班机,一路无忧。
- I am very sorry about your troubles. 对于你遇到的麻烦我非常遗憾。