- The syncytia was founded in the root of the resistant cultivar. 并且观察到抗病品种根内产生的合胞体。
- The drought resistance and cold resistance of tall fescue is strongest among the various cultivars in this paper, followed by that of bulegrass, ryegrass in declined order. 其耐旱及耐寒性依次为高羊茅>早熟禾>黑麦草。
- The cold resistant cultivars exerted their SPC and activities of SOD and APX to acclimate chilling stress. 这3项指标能反映豇豆品种耐寒性,耐寒性品种3项指标升高,以SOD活性变化最剧烈。
- Studies on Turfgrass Drought Resistance. 草坪草需水抗旱研究概述。
- Pink ivorywood is an evergreen to semi-decidous tree that is drought resistant but not frost resistant. 粉红象牙木是一种介于常绿至半落叶之间的耐旱但不耐寒的树。
- Abstract The heads of resistant cultivar (Sumai 3) and Susceptible cultivar (Fan 6) were inoculated with conidia of Fusarium graminearum at the late flowering stage. 由于植物受病原菌侵染后的生理改变,因寄主的种类或品种和病原种类或菌系(小种)组合不同而变化。
- The results showed that the drought resistant capability decreased in order of Tamarix ramosissima Ldb. 结果表明,3树种抗旱性大小顺序依次为:红柳>侧柏>合头草。
- The chilling resistant cultivar showed higher activities of SOD and POD, lower permeability of plasma membrane and production of MDA, and induction of more proline content. 低温下耐寒性强的品种能保持更高的SOD和POD等保护酶活性、更好的细胞膜完整性和更低的MDA含量,并诱导产生更多的脯氨酸。
- Abstract : Abstract: The reaction and population dynamics were studied between the resistant cultivar Yingxian small black soybean and Heterodera glycines race3(SCN3). 摘要 : 摘要:对抗病品种应县小黑豆与大豆胞囊线虫3号生理小种(SCN3)互作及田间动态关系进行了研究。
- The results showed that the drought resistant capability decreased in order of Tamarix ramosissima Ldb., Platycladus orientalis and Sympegma regelii. 结果表明,3树种抗旱性大小顺序依次为:红柳>侧柏>合头草。
- The resulte of the leaves of corn is similar with wheat0 it indicates that treat with extracts of peganum harmala could enhance the drought resist ability of wheat and corn. 玉米处理结果与其一致,表明浸种处理具有增强作物抗旱性的生理效应。
- In Burkina Faso, I saw a government working to import drought resistant seeds and better manage scarce water supplies, helped by nations like Brazil. 当蓝藻细胞达到一定程度时,蓝藻的“密集孽生”会使水体变色、引起泡沫、散发臭气、影响贝类和鱼类的生存,还会使水质大幅度下降。
- Group 3 is the most virulent one and may infect all ofdifferential hosts,including high resistant cultivars as Youbian 30 andKexi 8.391 SMV isolates were collected from Liaoning,Jiling and Heilong-jiang provinces of Northeast China. 3号株系群则对7个鉴别品种包括高抗品种诱变30及科系8号均能发病。
- Container seedling for Pistacia chinensis and study on its drought resistance. 黄连木容器育苗及其抗旱性研究。
- Among them, CVS5 and9205 were resistant cultivars, G80 was susceptible cultivars, Duncan test showed thesignificance level of them was 0.05. The difference of CV87, Longyan85l, Zhongyan9o,CF8O, NC 82, Nc89, 9405 and 87-8340 was not significant. 品种CV87、龙烟851、G140、9105、中烟90、CF80、NC89、NC82和87-8340之间抗性差异不显著。
- Estimation of Seedling Drought Resistance of Herbages in Leymus Hochst. 赖草属牧草幼苗抗旱性评价。
- Development of molecular biological technique provides a powerful tool for studying disease resistant genes and a new gene source for molecular breeding of Verticillium wilt resistant cultivars. 日益发展的分子生物技术为研究棉花抗病基因提供了有力的工具,也为棉花抗黄萎病分子育种提供了新的基因来源。
- Rice bacterial blight, caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae is one of the most serious disease of rice worldwide, resistant cultivars are economical and effective ways to control bacterial blight. 由水稻黄单胞杆菌(Xanthomonas oryzae pv.;oryzae,简称Xoo)引起的水稻白叶枯病是一种严重的水稻细菌性病害,选育抗病品种是病害防治的经济有效的方法。
- Blue grama grass is drought resistant, fine textured and being adapted to this area the germination period is timed to the climate and soil temperature. 蓝色格兰马草耐寒,有很好的纹理。在有适应的气候和土壤温度的条件下,他就会很快发芽。
- The only disadvantage is that it may trigger the selection of new biotypes that are able to attack the resistance cultivars. 唯一不利之处是可能促进新生物型的选择,危害抗虫品种。