- Which the skies pour down And drop upon man abundantly. 28云霓将雨落下,沛然降与世人。
- The clouds methought would open, and show riches ready to drop upon me, that, when I waked, I cried to dream again. 好像云层开启了,显现出无数珍宝,将向我倾泻而来;醒来之后,我忍不住痛哭起来,希望重临这样的梦境。
- Let's call this record a collection of Sophia's tears, drop by drop upon her heart, rather than a diary of her life. That would be truer. 在这本日记里,与其说是莎菲生活的一段记录,不如直接算为莎菲眼泪的每一个点滴,是在莎菲心上,才觉得更切实。
- I will carry no more. You may scrounge what I have dropped upon the ground. 维康妮亚:我带不了那么多物品。你可以捡回我丢在地上的东西。
- La Carconte muttered a few inarticulate words, then let her head again drop upon her knees, and went into a fit of ague, leaving the two speakers to resume the conversation, but remaining so as to be able to hear every word they uttered. 卡尔贡特娘们又嘟哝了几句别人听不清的话,然后,她又把头垂了下去,由于发烧而在不住地发抖,那两个谈话人重新拾起话头。
- He once wrote: "Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God. 他写道:“在我们的睡梦中,不能忘怀的痛苦一点一滴地落在心头,直到我们在自己的绝望中,明智违背我们的意愿受上帝庄严的感召来临。”
- I dropped upon the thwart again, none too soon, for I was near overboard. 我松开绳子重新跳回小筏子时,差一点掉进水里。
- After my words they spake not again; and my speech dropped upon them. 我说话之后,他们就不再说。我的言语像雨露滴在他们身上。
- I tried to eat my parting breakfast, but my tears dropped upon my bread-and-butter, and trickled into my tea. 我尽力想吃我那一顿临别的早饭,但是我的泪却滴到我的黄油面包上,流到我的茶杯里。
- A few slow, silent tears dropped upon his waistcoat as he thought of these things in the quiet and darkening room. 他在这安静的逐渐黑暗的房间里想起这些往事时,几颗默默无声的泪珠,慢慢地滴在了他的背心上。
- Additionally, they can also be double-queued from a single Starport with a Reactor add-on, making it that much easier to mass several Medivacs for massive drops upon the enemy. 另外,在连接了反应堆之后,飞机场可以同时生产两个医疗运输舰,这样就可以更简单地批量生产医疗运输舰来进行空投。
- He said he would drop her like a hot potato. 他说他会把她像烫手的东西一样迫不及待地扔掉。
- The rain is leaking in large drop through the roof. 雨正大滴大滴地从屋顶漏下来。
- The water drops upon the light green leaves, sliding across the nervure, rolling to the edge of the leaves and down to the land, streching its transparent and full of change body. 雨滴打在翠绿的树叶上,慢慢滑过细细的叶脉,从叶子的边缘滚落到地上,伸展着它透明而富于变化的身体。
- Interest in the book began to drop off. 人们对这本书的兴趣开始减退了。
- This catastrophe is far greater than any that has occurred since, and involved two very large nuclear bombs dropped upon Earth in two key positions causing an "ice age". 这场灾难远远大于在此之前发生过的任一灾难,并包含了两个十分巨大的核弹,掷到地球上两个要害位置,导致了一个“冰河纪”。
- A drop of blood slid down his leg. 他的腿上流着一点儿血。
- Don't forget to drop by at the gas station. 别忘了到煤气站去看看。
- The blare of the speaker burst upon our ears. 扩音器的噪音突然传进我们的耳中。
- He drank the wine slowly, savouring every drop. 他慢慢地喝着酒,细细品尝着每滴酒的滋味。