- drop your gaze 由于尴尬或不安而不正视对方
- You can fly so high, Keep your gaze upon the sky! 我相信凭你的能力你可以傲翔天际,你放心的展翅高飞吧!
- I wish you will not drop your shoes so loudly. 我请你不要把鞋子丢得这么响。
- Will you drop your old friends if you win lottery? 如果你中彩,你会同你的老朋友们中断来往吗?
- What would you most want to let your gaze rest upon? 你最想要注视的东西是什么呢?
- Drop your cigarette ashes into the ashtray. 请把香烟灰弹在烟灰缸里。
- A dime. Just drop your money into the box. 十美分。把钱投到票箱里即可。
- Don't drop your ashes on the floor! 别把烟灰掉到地板上!
- Stand up to answer when questioned, your gaze held steady and calm. 要见尊长的时候,动作要敏捷。告退时,动作要缓慢。尊长问话,要站起来回答,不可左顾右盼。
- I wish you wouldn't drop your shoes so loudly. 我请你不要把鞋子丢得这么响。
- The vultures fly high over my fortress. Turn your gaze towards me. 秃鹫高高盘旋在我得城堡上面,需要你的关注。
- Do not drop your ashes on the floor! 别把烟灰掉到地板上!
- You must drop your speed in built-up areas. 在房屋密集区必须放慢速度。
- Drop your price below the rounded figure. 放下价格低于四舍五入的数字。
- Please drop your key when you go out. 出去时请收好钥匙。
- Just drop your money into the box. 把您的钱投入钱箱里就行了。
- Drop your nets and follow Jesus. 撇下你的网,来跟从耶稣吧!
- Welcomed to drop your order thru us. 欢迎经过我们降低你的次序。
- Gary:Take a deep breath. Drop your arms. 深呼吸一下,把你的手臂垂下来。
- Drop your trousers here for best results. 请于此处脱下裤子,以期最佳效果。