- The flood was too deep to drive through. 水太深汽车开不过去。
- It's illegal to drive through a red light. 开车闯红灯是违章行为。
- It took us ten minutes to drive through the tunnel. 开车穿过这条隧道花了我们。
- I'll going to drive through that forest next week. 下周我将驶车穿越那片森林。
- He drove through streets empty of traffic. 他驱车驶过没有行人车辆的街道。
- They often drive through the village. 他们经常开车穿过这个村子。
- The flood is too deep to drive through. 水太深汽车开不过去。
- It is dangerous to drive through this area! 驾车经过这一地区真是太危险了!
- The new road obviate the need to drive through the town. 有了新路,车辆不必再穿行市区了。
- Remove through access port with back of clapper first with spring end down. 首先通过检修口拆卸阀瓣的后面及其弹簧末端。
- Buses driving through the mountains have been attacked by bandits. 驶经山区的公共汽车遭到匪徒袭击。
- A drive through Kinshasa today shows some of these lasting results. 今天驾车行驶在金沙萨就可以看到一些持久的成效。
- The password is then passed to the drive through a secure channel. 然后通过安全通道将密码传送到驱动器。
- The bridge is under construction.We can't drive through it. 这座桥正在修建中,开车过不去。
- A sandstorm kicked up while we drove through the desert. 我们在沙漠里行驶时,沙暴加强了
- The new road obviates the need to drive through the town. 有了新路,车辆不必再穿行市区了。
- Drive through Zion to the junction of UT 9 and UT 89 at Mt. 驱动器通过锡安的交界处9日和UT斯达康UT斯达康89吨。
- Depending on the resource type, the content is either strictly isolated to a specific virtual portal, or it can be shared and managed through access control. 依靠资源类型,上下文被严格地隔离为虚拟门户,或是可以通过存取控制共享以及管理。特别虚拟门户的客户交换可以按照范围配置。
- The car just grazed the gate as it drove through. 汽车开进来时轻轻地擦着了大门。
- He drove through the streets at break-neck speed. 他不顾死活地开着车在街上直冲。