drills (flushes) the hole pile foundation

  • 钻(冲)孔桩基础

drills (flushes) the hole pile foundation的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:


名词 drill:
  1. a tool with a sharp point and cutting edges for making holes in hard materials (usually rotating rapidly or by repeated blows)

  2. similar to the mandrill but smaller and less brightly colored

  3. systematic training by multiple repetitions

  4. (military) the training of soldiers to march (as in ceremonial parades) or to perform the manual of arms

动词 drill:
  1. make a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool

  2. train in the military, e.g., in the use of weapons

  3. learn by repetition

  4. teach by repetition

  5. undergo military training or do military exercises

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