- drilling in gold mine 金矿钻探
- It is dangerous to speculate in gold mines. 做金矿的投机买卖是很危险的。
- The miners arc drilling in the gold mine 旷工们正在金矿里用钻机采矿。
- Belt is one of main transport equipments in gold mine ,it easily tears in the process of use. 胶带是黄金矿山的主要运输设备之一,它在使用过程中容易发生撕裂故障。
- The workman is drilling in the wall. 工人正在墙上打孔。
- The gold mine discharges tailings massively every day,which results in gold and useful metal draining,simultaneously brings the enormous harm to the environment. 黄金矿山的尾矿每天大量排放,造成金及有用金属的流失,同时对环境带来极大的危害。
- The oil-supplying unit by frequency conversion and constant pressure is generally used in mineral processing equipments in gold mine,such as ball mills,hydrocone crushers. 黄金矿山恒压供油装置一般用于球磨机、液压圆锥破碎机等设备中。
- She had lots of drill in listening. 她在听力方面受过许多训练。
- A reliable car is worth its weight in gold. 靠得住的汽车就是无价之宝。
- In this paper, abandoned stope disposal methods in gold mines are reviewed. 文中简要讨论了国内外黄金矿山采空区处理的几种方法。
- The Prussians are drilling in the meadow behind the sawmill. 普鲁士士兵在锯木厂后边草地上操练。
- The thieves stole 1000000 in gold bullion. 窃贼偷去价值1000000英镑的金条。
- After several months of drilling in the desert, the prospectors struck it rich. 勘探者们在沙漠中花了几个月的时间钻井,终于钻出了石油。
- At last the prospectors struck on an undiscovered gold mine. 勘探者们最终发现了一处别人未曾涉足过的金矿。
- Through the injection of gold assets in gold, with gold mining辰州gold tends to homogenization. 通过注入中金黄金资产,辰州矿业与中金黄金趋于同质化。
- The soldiers were at drill in the barrack-yard. 士兵们在兵营练兵场操练。
- When we find that long lost gold mine in the sky. 当我们找到了那些天空中失落已久的金矿的时候。
- Six years ago, he took a trip to Alaska, acting on an urge for something different and a longtime interest in gold mining. 六年前,舍伦德终于按耐不住寻找新鲜感的冲动和长久以来对淘金的浓厚兴趣,踏上了前往阿拉斯加的旅途。
- Most drilling in metal is done with a twist drill. 大多数金属钻孔用的是麻花钻头。
- The speaker tried to drill in his point but the crowd were not interested. 演讲者想灌输他的思想,可人们不感兴趣。