- He will not draw back from what he has promised. 他允诺过的事是不会收回去的。
- drawing back stock 缩股
- The dog drew back in terror when it saw the snake. 那狗看到这条蛇时,害怕得缩了回去。
- Instead of pressing forward, they drew back. 他们不仅没有前进,反而后退了。
- The horrid sight made me draw Back. 可怕的景象令我后退。
- He drew back from the scorching heat. 他从灼人的热气中退了回来。
- He drew back the curtain; it was day. 他拉起窗帘,是白天了。
- At the sight of the snake, he drew back in horror. 一瞧见那蛇,他便吓得缩了回来。
- Instead of pressing forward, then drew back. 他们不仅没有前进,反而后退了。
- He is not the sort of person ever to draw back. 他不是逃避责任的那种人。
- At the sight of a mouse, she drew back in horror. 她一看见老鼠,就吓得连连退缩。
- There is no opportunity for drawing back. 没有后退的机会。
- At the sight of a mouse,she draw back in horror. 她一看见老鼠,就吓得连连退缩。
- To draw back or shy away, as from fear;flinch. 畏缩由于害怕等退缩或畏缩;退缩
- I have committed myself now and cannot draw back. 我已经做了承诺,无法反悔。
- Why did she draw back and look so grave at me. 她为什么要畏畏缩缩,板着脸看我?
- To draw back or shyaway, as from fear; flinch. 畏缩由于害怕等退缩或畏缩;退缩。
- It looks longer aye? When I draw back my neck. 脖子缩短哩,看起来就长点哩。
- China will never draw back what she has promised. 中国决不会收回已作出的许诺。
- Firms slashed their capital budgets and pared back stock levels when their export sales collapsed. 当出口大幅下降时,工厂削减资本预算和减少库存。