- He is trying to take advantage from me. 他想占我便宜。
- The painting is show to better advantage from a distance. 这幅画从远处看显得更美。
- The painting is seen to better advantage from a distance. 这副画从远处看更好。
- We've gained one advantage from this terrible accident. 我们从这件可怕的事故中,已经得到了一个收获。
- He gained little advantage from his visit to Landon. 他游历伦敦获益甚少。
- The lotus flower is seen to more advantage from a distance. 荷花从远处看来更美。
- draw advantage from 从 ... 中获益
- I have some information you may be able to use(= to get an advantage from). 我有些可能对你有用的信息。
- Again try and take advantage from being higher tier, use your tier three beasts to appose his tier one units. 然后努力占得高科技的优势,使用你的三级野兽来对抗敌人的一级单位。
- To take advantage from the situation could be Sampdoria, that but continue to track also Matri (23) and Montella (34). 充分利用从情况可桑普多利亚,但继续跟踪,也矩阵(23)和蒙特拉(34)。
- The Rockets were much livelier on offense and wrested away homecourt advantage from the top-seeded Lakers. 火箭队的进攻非常活跃,并夺取了主场优势的头号种子湖人队。
- How to take in the advantage from different models and compare to human antitype are most important to myopia. 汲取不同类型的模型优点,并同人类原型予以比较,对解读近视本质和病因治疗有深远意义。
- To gain the maximum advantage from this system, there must always be clear liaison between the factory and site organizations. 为获得最大程度的收益,构件制造厂与现场施工的各部门需保持联络畅通。
- Now in order to kill the enemy, our men must be roused to anger; that there may be advantage from defeating the enemy, they must have their rewards. 故杀敌者,怒也;取敌之利者,货也。
- Make complaints and know your GM, industry, or know the law. They want some advantage from you, like free products or services. 投诉者认识你们的总经理、熟悉行业或了解法律。他们想从你这里获得一些好处,如免费产品或服务等。
- Do you mind if I draw up the blinds? 我卷起窗帘你不反对吧?
- People can draw a moral from tales. 人们可以从寓言里吸取经验教训。
- Bush campaign Communications Director Dan Bartlett says Senator Kerry is trying to score some political advantage from the tape by continuing a line of attack that Mr. 布什竞选班子的对外联络部主任达恩·巴列特说克里参议员继续不断地发动攻击,试图从这卷录像带中获得政治优势。
- You may draw your own moral from it. 你可以从中得出自己的教训。
- Comparative study of obtaining competitive advantage from information technology.[2007-07-06].http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.j sp ?arnumber=1499426. 张晓丹;王守宁.;企业竞争情报活动中的人际网络构建和利用