- We'll notify her to draw up a contract. 我们将通知她起草一份合同。
- A committee was appointed to draw up a new constitution. 指定了一个委员会来起草新章程。
- How will you react to put up a protest? 您看提出抗议怎么样?
- Let's draw up a contract and put our relationship on a firm footing. 让我们草拟一份契约把我们的关系建立在稳固的基础上。
- How would you react to putting up a protest? 您看提出抗议怎么样?
- All the people there set up a protest. 那儿所有的人都在大声抗议。
- How will you react to putt up a protest ? 您看提出抗议怎么样
- I will draw up a scheme of it for you. 我将替你草拟这事的计划。
- The next step will be to draw up a meeting agenda. 下一个步骤将是起草一项会议议程。
- He drew up a brief for his speech. 他起草了一份讲话的摘要。
- He has drawn up a vacation plan. 他已拟出假期计划。
- You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay. 你应该为文章草拟个计划或提纲。
- BR> e can draw up a tentative plan now. 我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。
- We can draw up a formal contract. 我们可以起草一份正式契约/
- Draw up a list of all the things you want to do. 把你要的所有东西都写下来。
- You must draw up a study plan today. 你今天必须起草一份读书计划。
- The word "sensuous" had the effect of further disquieting Tom, but before he could invent a protest the coupe came to a stop, and Daisy signaled us to draw up alongside. “肉感”这两个字使汤姆感到更加惶惶不安,但他还没来得及找话来表示反对,小轿车已经停了下来,黛西打着手势叫我们开上去并排停下。
- He was assigned to draw up a plan for the project. 他被委派起草这项工程的计划。
- You have our backing to put up a protest against city pollutions. 我们支持你抗议城市污染的行为。
- The police drew up a blacklist of wanted terrorists. 警方拟就一份通缉恐怖分子的黑名单。