- The prisoner drained the cup of sorrow to the dregs. 那囚犯受尽了苦难。
- One who can drain the cup of humiliation must be broad-minded. 能忍受胯下之辱的人,他的胸怀一定很宽大!
- Soon after "Cheers!" he drained off the cup. 刚说完“干杯”, 他便一饮而尽。
- All London had poured into the Park, draining the cup of summer to its dregs. 全伦敦的人都拥到公园里来,从夏天的酒杯里喝掉那残剩的酒脚。
- She drained the water out through a sieve. 她用漏杓把水控出去。
- We got knocked out of the Cup in the first round. 我们在锦标赛的第一轮比赛中就被淘汰了。
- They are digging trenches to drain the water away. 他们正在掘沟排水。
- To drain the cup of sorrow to the dregs 备尝艰苦
- drain the cup of life to the dregs 备偿辛酸,享尽快乐
- All hands turned out to repair the terraces and drain the water. 所有劳动力都出来整修梯田,排除积水。
- drain the cup of life to the bottom 备偿辛酸,享尽快乐
- I've got two tickets for the Cup Final. 我弄到两张优胜杯决赛的票。
- The last drop make the cup run over. 最后一滴,杯水外溢。
- The bottom of the cup is broken. 这杯子的底破了。
- He sniffed the green tea in the cup appreciably. 他欣然闻了闻杯里的绿茶香味。
- Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip. 吃到嘴里的才算是你的。
- The cup lay in pieces on the floor. 地上是那杯子的碎片。
- They are digging trenches to drain the water off. 他们正在掘沟排水。
- The war drained the nation of youth and wealth. 战争耗尽了这个国家的青年和财富。
- The cup final is an important date in the sporting calendar. 世界杯足球总决赛在运动日程表中是个重要日子。