- How much longer is this going to drag on? 这事还要拖多久?
- The children will be a drag on me, so I want to go without them. 孩子们会给我添麻烦,所以我不想带他们去。
- Let's not drag on this discussion, we've got to reach a decision. 这场讨论别拖下去了,我们得作个决定。
- She loves her family, but they're a drag on her career. 她热爱自己的家庭,但家庭却是她事业的累赘。
- The meeting seemed to drag on for hours. 会议似乎是拖拖拉拉地开了好几个小时。
- He felt that his family was a drag on his success. 他觉得他的家庭是他取得成功的累赘。
- She took a long drag on her cigarette. 她长长地抽了一大口烟。
- The old ideas are a drag on progress. 旧观念是进步的障碍。
- The days just seem to drag on since you've gone. 自从你走后,日子一天天平淡无聊的过去。
- Some court cases can drag on for years. 有些法庭案件可能会拖延许多年。
- Afternoon dragged on into evening. 下午缓慢地过去而变成黄昏。
- The meeting dragged on for nearly four hours. 会议单调乏味地持续了近4个小时。
- The Boring movie seemed to drag on and on. 乏味的电影似乎一直拖延。
- He talk again and again to drag on. 他说个不停,以拖延时间。
- He is always blatting to drag on. 他说个不停,以拖延时间。
- He dragged on the cigarettes as he wrote. 他一边写一边抽烟。
- He took a drag on his cigarette. 他吧了一口烟。
- The dog's leash dragged on the sidewalk. 在人行道上拴着皮带的狗
- On carriage district, she is enmeshed in happiness and joyance all the time, cooperate kidnapper exceedingly. 运输的路上,她一直沉浸在幸福和喜悦中,非常的配合绑匪。
- The meeting dragged on without reaching any conclusion. 会开得很长,也没作出什么结论。