- Nathan Hale would sooner die a hero than drag out an ignoble existence. 内森·黑尔宁愿死得英雄;也不愿苟且偷生.
- Nature endued me so great patience, was really wants me to drag out an ignoble existence under a degenerate spirit condition? 大自然赋予我这样大的耐力,难道就是要我在一种精神堕落的状态下苟且偷生?
- In poetry WuMeicun time and again speech it "utterly worthless ", "steal work ", "drag out an ignoble existence ", "lose body "and so on, word blood tear, repent Zhi feelings is in overtones. 诗中,吴梅村一再言其“一不值”、“偷活”、“偷生”、“失身”等等,字字血泪,忏悔之情溢于言表。
- The fact was both of us were not prepared to tolerate a life long agony for the privilege of dragging out an ignoble existence. 事实是,我们自始至终都没准备承受终生的痛苦以苟且偷生。
- drag out an ignoble existence; live on without ambition 苟且偷生
- The writer dragged out an unhappy existence for many years until in the end she killed herself. 这位女作家过了多年不幸的生活,最后自杀身亡。
- He drag out a miserable existence. 他过尽了可怜的生涯。
- I want to search out an old school friend. 我想寻找我的一个老同学。
- I took out an overdraft to pay for my new car. 我用透支来付新汽车的钱。
- A sudden question often throws out an orator. 对一位演说者突然提问经常会弄得他不知所措。
- He worked out an excellent idea. 他想出了一个极好的主意。
- Let's not drag out this discussion, we've got to reach a decision. 这场讨论别拖下去了,我们得作个决定了。
- She left out an important detail in her account. 她在描述中遗漏了一个重要的细节。
- They had dug out an ancient tomb. 他们已发掘到一座古墓。
- He was capable of bringing out an expurgated edition of Wordsworth. 他几乎做得出出版华兹华斯作品的删改本(洁本)。
- The jukebox ground out an incessant stream of pop music. 自动电唱机没完没了地放送流行乐曲。
- I don't want to drag out this argument any further. 我不想再就这场争论进一步拖长下去。
- He batted out an outline of a story in about two hours. 他用两小时左右的时间草草拟出了故事的大纲。
- He dragged out a miserable existence. 他捱过了可怜的生活。