- She pivoted on her heels and swept out. 她一转身,匆匆走了出去。
- drag her heelsvt. 拖着脚步(故意拖延)
- She had to kick her heels for hours because the train was so late. 火车晚点,她无聊地等了几小时。
- She, poor soul, is tied by the leg. She had a blister on one of her heels. 她真可怜,走路不方便,她脚后跟长了一个水泡。
- Her heels clacked as she walked on the pavement. 她在人行道上走着,脚底下呱嗒呱嗒地响。
- She could not drag her feet another step. 她无法再拖动她的脚一步。
- I heard the clack of her heels on the sidewalk. 我听到她的鞋后跟在人行道上霹哩啪啦响的声音。
- Should I drag her around with me? 我应不应该一直把她带在身边?
- She dug her heel into the ground. 她把鞋后跟戳进地里。
- She ground her heels into the ground. 她用脚后跟碾地。
- Her heels clacked on the marble floor. 她的鞋后跟在大理石地面上发出咔哒咔哒的响声。
- He will drag her off to parties, and she spends the whole evening trying to look inconspicuous in some corner. 他要把她拉到宴会上去,她整个晚上都试图躲在不显眼的角落。
- She fled upstairs with Sid and Mary at her heels. 她连忙跑上楼去,席德和玛丽跟在后面。
- As for the world it would be barking at her heels. 至于世界,将指着她的脊梁骨咒骂。
- He grabbed her and dragged her away. 他抓住她,把她拖走了。
- Her father is right at her heels. 她的父亲紧跟在她的背后。
- Her heels clicked on the pavement as she walked. 当她走在人行道上时她的鞋跟发出喀答声。
- Jude was exasperated, and went out to drag her in by main force. 裘德这回可真急啦!他走到路口,想用蛮力把她拽回家去。
- Her heels gave her the height she otherwise lacked. 高跟鞋弥补了她身高的不足。
- The dog followed obediently at her heels. 那只狗听话地跟在她身后。