- A clause of a document, such as a bill or charter. 条款文件中的条款,例如一个议案或者是一个章节
- An official document or charter. 公文正式的文件或宪章
- Frailty of bodily constitution or health. 虚弱,纤弱体质或健康上的虚弱
- Frail in constitution or health. 体弱的,羸弱的体质或健康娇弱的
- One of weak constitution or character. 瘦弱或软弱的人
- Two-thirds were also enrolled in public or charter schools. 其中三分之二的人还就读于公众或特许学校。
- Part of the General Programme of the draft Constitution dwells on Party solidarity and unity. 在党章草案的总纲中有一部分是说明党的团结和统一的。
- Exhibiting the constitution or properties of such a solid. 共晶的展示这种固体的组成和性质的
- Now I should like to make some explanations of the provisions for Party membership in the draft Constitution. 现在,我想对于党章草案中关于党员的规定作一些说明。
- The constitutional or statutory right to vote. 选举权宪法或法律规定的选举权
- Constituting or making a difference; distinctive. 区别的构成或制造差异; 显著
- The draft constitution contains some new,important provisions concerning members'rights. 党章草案在党员权利方面也增加了一些新的重要内容。
- For this purpose,the draft Constitution contains new provisions regarding qualifications for Party membership. 为了这个目的,党章草案,对于党员的条件作了一些新的规定。
- This store of new experience is also reflected in the draft Constitution,as appropriate. 这些经验,也适当地反映到党章草案中去了。
- When promulgated, our Draft Constitution will win the unanimous support of the whole people and enhance their enthusiasm. 我们的宪法草案公布以后,将会得到全国人民的一致拥护,提高全国人民的积极性。
- Constituting or being part of the essence of something; inherent. 本质的是物体必不可少的组成部分; 固有的
- The General Programme and Chapter Two of the draft Constitution specify more detailed provisions concerning democratic centralism in the Party. 在党章草案的总纲和第二章中,对于党的民主集中制作了比较充分的规定。
- At present, including Shenyang, and other cities, regular or charter flights non-stop New Chitose. 目前包括首尔、关岛、台北、香港、沈阳、上海与澳大利亚凯恩斯等城市,都有定期或包机航班直飞新千岁。
- The draft Constitution contains some new, important provisions concerning members' rights. 党章草案在党员权利方面,也增加了一些主要的新的内容。
- No society can make a constitution or law which is appliable for ever. 2没有哪个社会可以制订一部永远适用的宪法,甚至一条永远适用的法律。