- double taxation jurisdiction 双重税收管辖权
- Double taxation poses the first problem. 第一个问题是双重征税。
- That is the avoidance of double taxation. 普: 这就是说避免国际间双重纳税。
- Today, we sign a comprehensive agreement for avoidance of double taxation between Hong Kong and Belgium. 多谢各位今日出席香港与比利时两地全面性避免双重徵税协定的签订仪式。
- China signed tax agreement and avoidance of double taxation agreement with Korean and Singapore respectively. 中国和韩国、新加坡分别签订了税收协定、避免双重征税的协定。
- We welcome your views on our general double taxation policy and on the choice of our negotiating partners. 我们欢迎你就双重徵税政策及选择商谈伙伴提供意见。
- This part includes information on the double taxation arrangements concluded with other tax jurisdictions. 这部分资料,包括本港与其他国家地区达成的双重徵税安排。
- Different countries take different approaches to transfer pricing, and double taxation can arise. 不同的国家采用不同的方法转移商品价格,重重征税由此产生。
- They held a rally before the US embassy against US imposing double taxation on their exports. 他们在美国大使馆前举行集会,反对美国对其出口商品进行双重征税。
- Double taxation arises when two or more tax jurisdictions overlap, such that the same item of income or profit is subject to tax in each. 当两个或以上的地区对某一纳税人的同一项收入或利润同时拥有税收司法权而向其徵税时,便会产生双重课税的情况。
- Due to the international nature of aircraft operations, airline operators are more susceptible to double taxation than other taxpayers. 由于航空运输属国际性质的业务,航空公司较其他纳税人士容易受到双重徵税。
- The HKSAR Government is keen to establish a network of double taxation agreements with its major trading and investment partners. 香港特区政府非常希望与本港的主要贸易及投资夥伴建立一个避免双重徵税协定的网络。
- For it to resolve double taxation and tax incentives to promote international economic and trade development has a positive meaning. 它对于解决重复课税和实行税收鼓励,促进国际经济和贸易的发展,都有着积极意义。
- Under the Agreement, Belgium will eliminate double taxation by providing full exemption to Belgian residents companies and individuals alike for such income. 在该协定下,比利时居民公司及个人的有关收入将获得全数豁免以避免双重徵税。
- The HKSAR Government is discussing with other tax administrations arrangements for the avoidance of double taxation that will similarly benefit HK shipowners. 香港特区政府现正与二十多个税务当局商议为本港船东带来同类利益的避免双重课税安排。
- The officials in charge said that the exemption of income tax on dividend and bonus issues that are distributed among resident enterprises is to eliminate double taxation. 有关负责人表示,对居民企业之间的股息、红利收入免征企业所得税,是对股息、红利所得消除双重征税的做法。
- Liaison with the HKMAO is maintained on matters such as arrangement of visits by senior HKSARG officials and issues requiring the co-operation of the CPG such as discussion on the avoidance of double taxation on income. 特区政府与港澳办就多项事宜保持联系,包括安排政府高层官员到内地访问,以及协调一些需要中央人民政府合作的事项,例如避免双重征收入息税的磋商。
- After reunification,the HKSAR Government has,on its own,concluded four international agreements with foreign states and region on matters such as co-operation in customs matters,co-operation in information technology,avoidance of double taxation,etc. 回归以后,香港特区政府按照《基本法》第一百五十一条的规定,就海关事宜的合作、资讯科技的合作、避免双重征税等事务单独地与外国及海外地区签署了四项国际协议。
- On behalf of HKSAR Government, the Secretary for Economic Development and Labour, Mr Stephen Ip, signed an Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement on shipping and air services income with Singapore. 经济发展及劳工局局长叶澍代表香港特别行政区政府与新加坡签署对航运及空运入息的避免双重课税协议。
- Notwithstanding this, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government HKSARG recognises that there are merits in concluding double taxation agreements DTAs with our trading partners. 尽管如此,香港特别行政区政府认为,与香港的贸易伙伴签订避免双重徵税协定有其可取之处。