- Danmark F. L. Smidth Company designed ATOX vertical roller mill in the milldle of 20 century. 20世纪中叶,丹麦史密斯公司设计了ATOX立式辊磨。
- Host: hypertension suspended roller mill process, Roller hanger on securing a high-pressure spring 1000-1500 kg. 工作过程:高压悬辊磨主机内,磨辊吊架上紧固有1000-1500公斤压力的高压弹簧。
- Among them, grinding system like vertical mill,roller press and tube roller mill etc. 其中最具代表性的有立磨、辊压机、筒辊磨等粉磨工艺系统。
- The thickness of the steel plate handled by this roller mill (shear machine) is 25 millimeters. 这台滚压机(剪切机)加工的钢板厚度可达25毫米。
- Shuozhou City jurisdiction Pinglu rural areas. 1958 double roller commune, rural home in 1984. 朔州市平鲁区辖乡。1958年设双碾公社,1984年置乡。
- It is well known that roller mill or hammer mill is usually usedin the process of grinding and washing salt production. 在目前粉洗精制盐的生产工艺中,通常用辊式粉碎机或锤式粉碎机来完成对原盐的粉碎。
- I'm very glad to welcome you here in Buhler Wuxi for this new roller mill release meeting. 非常荣幸地能邀请到各位光临无锡布勒参加我们的新型磨粉机发布会。
- I'm very glad to welcome you here in Buhler Wuxi for this new roller mill release meeting. Thank you all for coming. 非常荣幸地能邀请到各位光临无锡布勒参加我们的新型磨粉机发布会。谢谢各位的光临!
- Upgrading of single roller ironer to double roller or double roller to three roller ironer can be easily carried out at site. 其前、后辊组件结构非常接近,经过简单改造即可实现随意组合,在用户现场就可以从单辊升级到双辊,从双辊升级到三辊。
- Roller mills grind essentially by crushing and attrition. 辊磨机主要靠挤压和摩擦研碎物料。
- This machine is composed of hopper, brush roller, transmission device, output screener and water feeder, etc.It has two specifications of double roller and triple roller. 本机由料斗、毛刷辊、传动、出料筛、给水装置等部分组成,分二筒、三筒两种规格。
- Production process and practice of grinding slag and other admixture b y roller mill in Ruichang Cement Company was presented. 介绍瑞昌水泥公司利用辊式立磨进行矿渣混合料粉磨的生产工艺及生产实践。
- The same batch of clinker was ground by roller mill, ball mill, vibratory mill and disk mill respectively in laboratory. 采用同一批熟料,在实验室分别用立磨、球磨、振动磨以及盘磨等不同方式粉磨。
- This paper introduces a DCS of roller mill which is based on fieldbus and presents the system's design of hardware and software. 摘要介绍了基于现场总线的DCS(集散控制系统)控制技术在立磨系统中的应用,参照实例给出了系统具体的硬件设计、软件设计过程。
- The construct,principle,main structure characteristics,and main technical parameters of HS vertical roller mill are introduced at length. 详细介绍了HS辅助液压盘式磨机的主要结构组成、工作原理、结构特点、主要技术参数;
- GMC Weighing Water Feeder is updated roller mill water feeder and it is newly developed product with convenient and reliable application, high precision and good repeatability. GMC型称重加水器是我公司最新研制的混砂机加水装置,具有使用方便可靠,定量精度高,重复性好等优点,是混砂机加水的升级换代产品。
- Abstract: The article describes the structure, work principle, design method of the tool parts and the calculation of the bending force of bending die with double roller for load bearing support. 文摘:介绍了承力隔架用“双转辊弯曲模具”的结构、工作原理、主要工作零件设计及其弯曲力的计算方法。
- When the roller mill with a certain ring wear, the length of spring pressure adjusted to maintain a constant link between roller mill on the pressure roller. 当磨辊与磨环达到一定磨损后,调整高压弹簧长度,保持磨辊于磨环之间的恒定碾压力。
- This machine is double roller opening to be used for rubber mixing.It consists of seat, Frame, Rubber, Driving device, Lubricator and cooler, range adjusting device of roller.Safety brake. 本机为双辊筒开放式炼胶机,主要有机座、机架、辊筒、传动齿轮、润滑装置、加热冷却装置、辊距调节装置、安全制动装置及电动机、减速器等组成。
- A UM46.4 roller mill made by UBE,Japan was employed for raw meal grinding in the 4 000 t/d NSP cement production line of Jidong(Fufeng) Cement Co. ,Ltd. 陕西宝鸡冀东水泥扶风有限责任公司4000t/d新型干法水泥生产线原料磨采用了日本宇部设计制造的UM46.;4型立磨。