- double water glass 双料水玻璃
- "Most decadent," he said, and held out his water glass. “最过瘾了,”他一面说,一面把玻璃杯递过去。
- John dabbed at it with his napkin after wetting it in his water glass. John把餐巾在自己的水杯里沾湿后帮她轻轻地擦了擦。
- Sydney Olympic stresses double water systems, sewage flushing or irrigation turf. 悉尼奥运讲双水系统,污水冲厕所或者灌溉草地。
- Double water replenishment, relax wrinkles, prevent sensitivity, inhibit melanin, moisten skin all day long, makes the skin light and winning. 双倍补给肌肤水份,舒缓皱纹,防止敏感、抑制黑色素形成,全天候滋润肌肤,令肌肤水灵动人。
- The mechanism of dodecyl phosphate ester and water glass in flotation separation of magnesite from dolomite is described. 介绍了十二烷基磷酸酯和水玻璃浮选分离菱镁矿与白云石的作用机理。
- In SA production the treament of arsenic-containing wastewater, process of double water flow closed circulation system, the operation and its economic analysis, are presented. 介绍硫酸生产中,酸性含砷废水的治理方法,及双水闭路水循环系统的流程、运行情况与经济效益。
- Noyes. "But this new planet, if you could imagine putting it in a cosmic water glass, it would float. 但是如果对新发现的行星也做同样的试验,那么他将高高地漂浮着。
- It had not been the water glass he'd overturned during the night -- it had been the inkbottle. 原来,头一天晚上他打翻的不是水杯,而是墨水瓶。
- The PSAF floccule is produced with sulfate aluminum, sulfate iron and water glass as the main material. 以硫酸铝、硫酸铁、水玻璃为主要原料 ,制备了聚合硅酸铝铁 (PSAF)絮凝剂。
- The moisture resistance of water glass binder can be improved by adding a little amount of ethylene glycol acetale. 介绍了在水玻璃粘合剂中加入少量醋酸乙二醇酯后,其抗潮湿性能得以改进。
- The result shows that the pellets will have high strength and metallization rate when water glass was used as additive. 结果表明,以水玻璃为粘结剂的含碳球团具有较好的强度和金属化率。
- An anticorrosion method of using modified water glass concrete lining of furan resin for saturators is introduced. 介绍了一种对饱和器采用呋喃改性水玻璃混凝土衬里的防腐蚀方法。
- The result shows that it has high strengths and metallization rate when the water glass is used as additive. 结果表明,以水玻璃为粘结剂的含碳球团具有较好的强度和金属化率。
- Adopting IPN techniques to recombine PVA and water glass, shaped size of interpenetrating networks structure. 采用IPN技术对PVA和水玻璃进行复合,形成互穿网络结构胶。
- "If you could imagine putting Jupiter in a cosmic water glass, it would sink,” explained Mr. 假如,想象把土星放在一个宇宙的水杯中,它将会沉下去。
- It was discussed that the technique of carbonization using limekiln gas and water glass. 探讨了利用工业废弃物石灰窑气和水玻璃,采用碳化法制备白炭黑的工艺过程。
- The preparation of acidic silicasol from commerical water glass is introduced in this paper. 提出了一种用市售水玻璃制取酸性硅溶胶的工艺原理及路线。