- double pain sensation 二重痛觉
- The first two pre-treatment menstrual cycles were utilized for establishing base-line values for pain sensation and NSAID analgesics. 实验开始前的两个月经周期所记录下来的数据作为基数以及NSAID用量统计。
- Dachshund (longhaired) - usually occurs between 8 and 12 weeks of age, and causes urinary incontinence, loss of pain sensation all over the body, and penis mutilation. %23[[腊肠犬]](长毛)-通常发生于8-12周龄,导致尿失禁、全身疼痛感缺失和自残阴茎。
- They have important effects on blood pressure, blood clotting, pain sensation, and reproduction mechanisms, but one prostaglandin may have different and even opposite effects in different tissues. 对血压、凝血能力、疼痛知觉和生殖机制有重要作用,但一种特定的前列腺素,在不同的组织中可以产生不同的甚至相反的效果。
- The model favored by most researchers is that the analgesic effect of hypnosis occurs in higher brain centers than those involved in registering the painful sensation. 多数研究者所偏好的解释是,比起感受疼痛,催眠的止痛效果发生于较高阶的脑部中心,而非在疼痛感觉接受的过程。
- Some users compare the feeling to a phantom limb, which Merriam-Webster's medical dictionary defines as "an often painful sensation of the presence of a limb that has been amputated. 此领域的研究还很匮乏,但是相关现象的理论已经十分丰富了。例如被称为“手机综合症”和“铃声错觉”的现象。
- He is working double tides to finish his essay. 他日夜苦干,赶写他的文章。
- I do not realize it is a double feature. 我原先不知道这是双片连映。
- Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear. 两面派永远过着提心吊胆的生活。
- I want a double room with a view. 我要一间能看到风景的双人房间。
- He was so fat that he had a double chin. 他胖得有双下巴了。
- The carpet is too thick to double up. 这地毯太厚没法折叠。
- Instead of bringing about the desired lasting healing cord cutting creates a host of unwanted painful sensations feelings and emotions. 切断能量索不能有想要的永久疗愈,而是创造了一堆不想要的痛苦感受、感觉、及情绪。
- Is the material single width or double width? 这幅料子是单幅的还是双幅的?
- Painful sensations are a frequent an d troublesome sequelae of paraplegia and quadriplegia following spinal cord injury. 疼痛性感觉是脊髓损伤后截瘫和四肢瘫患者所面临的一个经常性的和令人烦恼的后遗症。
- Reserve double room June fourth to tenth inclusive. 预订双人房间,六月四日至十日,共六晚,望订妥复电。
- In this case, I can double for penalty. 假如这样的话,我可以叫加倍了。
- Can you tell me the rate for a double room, please? 请告诉我一间双人房的费用可以吗?
- The soldiers came at the double. 士兵们是急行军来的。
- A couch performs a double service. 躺椅有双重的服务。