- double lip deformity 双唇[畸形]
- If seated, I play double lip, period. 坐下时,我就用双包演奏。
- I always practice my long tones and scales double lip. 我通常用双包来练习长音和音阶。
- When I have to march, double lip feels too unstable for comforts sake. 当在军乐队作行进演奏时,双包可能造成乐器不固定。
- Inside the closed double lip of his jaws all of his eight rows of teeth were slanted inwards. 它游很快,嘴巴紧紧地闭着。
- Bearings of the 2RS design have an integral double lip rubbing seal (fig 10), of polyester elastomer or polyurethane (bearings of series GEZ. 2RS设计的轴承在两侧装有内部双唇环摩擦密封件(图10),密封件采用聚酯弹性体或聚氨基甲酸乙脂制造(GEZ。
- I suggest using double lip embouchure, in my opinion, the most beneficial embouchure, especially for solving problems of biting. 我演奏时牙齿总会咬疼下唇,请问有什么办法解决?
- Come with incarnadine lipstick daub double lip, nod gently next on colorless but ablaze labial colour, got-up outline, strengthen at the same time without makeup impression. 用肉色的唇膏来涂抹双唇,然后轻轻点上无色但闪亮的唇彩,修饰轮廓,同时加强无妆印象。
- Her Na Jinzong's lubricious grace double lip, be like the Shui Runliang like bud lustre, send out implicative classic beauty, expression gives high and rich heart. 她那金棕色的优雅双唇,有如蓓蕾般水润亮泽,散发含蓄的古典之美,表达出高贵而丰富的内心。
- Still contain among them protect wet elite, when helping an inunction, slip had arranged extend, can last at the same time moist double lip, prevent weather-shack the generation with microgroove. 其中还含有保湿精华,帮助涂擦时滑顺好延展,同时能持续滋润双唇,防止干裂和细纹的产生。
- Eye of metallic lubricious sootiness makeup, send out blurred temperament, tie-in and delicate the colourful red double lip that is about to drip, let you make the central point of ball certainly! 金属色烟熏眼妆,散发迷离气质,搭配娇嫩欲滴的艳红色双唇,一定让你成为舞会的焦点!
- Write improvement labial ministry is dry, your double lip is experienced comfortable and moist besides, small circulation of blood of stimulative lip ministry, gift labial department is real colour. 著改善唇部干燥,令双唇感受舒适滋润之外,促进唇部血液微循环,赋予唇部真实色彩。
- Modified Operation for Correction of the Double Lip 重唇手术方法的改进
- Double lipping is easier when seated, so I tend not to use it when I'm standing (though I did do the Brahms double-lipped while standing). 双包在坐着演奏时比较简单,所以我倾向于站着时不用(虽然在演奏勃拉姆斯时我曾站着用双包)。
- Now, these are not proofs of the double lip embouchure and it being the best one, but I feel that after starting many clarinet kids, who naturally cover both lips, and then feeling the difference in their playing, it is my clear opinion. 这些不是证明双包是最好的嘴型,不过我感觉我启蒙的很多小孩,那些很自然包住双唇的发出的音色是完全不同的。
- Have never wait to talk, his about to cry, in the eye first the one be radiant, double lips peristalsis, a belly words at this time but a words all can not say it. 没等说话,他眼圈一红,眼中先一片晶莹,双唇蠕动,一肚子话此时却一个字都说不出来。
- He is working double tides to finish his essay. 他日夜苦干,赶写他的文章。
- I do not realize it is a double feature. 我原先不知道这是双片连映。
- Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear. 两面派永远过着提心吊胆的生活。
- I want a double room with a view. 我要一间能看到风景的双人房间。