- double flexible coupling 双挠性联轴节
- The double flexible rapier consists of a giver and taker similar to the double rigid rapier. 挠性双剑杆与刚性双剑杆相同,也有一只递纬剑,一只接纬剑。
- The dynamical equations of rigid flexible coupling multibody systems have characters of stiffness and high frequency oscillation. 刚柔耦合多体机械系统动力学微分方程组具有刚性和高频振荡的特点。
- The conveyor is driven hydraulically through a flexible coupling and high torque reduction gear at the rubber lagged top end drum. 输送机由弹性联轴节和高扭矩减速机通过带橡胶护套的高端鼓驱动。
- To overcome the potential space problem, the double flexible rapier was developed. The rapiers in this case are no longer rigid bars but flexible tapes. 为了克服潜在的占地问题,挠性双剑杆织机被研制出来,剑杆不再是刚性的棒,而是柔性的带子。
- The stiffness and damping of flexible coupling affect the natural characteristics of rotating system and the efficiency of reduction of torsional vibration directly. 柔性联轴器的刚度、阻尼特性直接影响着旋转系统的固有特性和扭转减振的效果。
- In rotary machinery systems, a flexible coupling not only plays a part in transmitting the torque, but also plays a part in reducing the torsional impact. 摘要柔性联轴器在旋转机械系统中,不但起传递转矩的作用,而且还有减小扭转冲击的作用。
- Crowning coupling is a sort of high performance flexible coupling, and it has specific advantages. ln this article, engage stress and cutting strength of crowning coupling are calculated and analysed. 鼓形齿联轴器是一种高性能的挠性联轴器,具有一些独特的优点,针对鼓形齿联轴器的接触应力、切强度等进行计算及分析。
- Flexible Couplings can endure a certain terminal load,which refers to the load along the pipe axis to be borne by coupling grooves. 挠性管接头具有承受一定末端载荷的能力。末端负荷是指管接头槽口可承受沿钢管轴向负荷的能力。
- Installations for liquefied hydrocarbons in containers. Flexible couplings for gas phase. 液化烃容器装置。气态物质用接头软管。
- KTR is one of the world market leaders in flexible couplings for the Construction Equipment Industry. KTR是建筑设备行业使用的弹性联轴节领域世界领先的市场领袖。
- A new scheme of the flexible coupled bogie with independently rotating wheels is put forward. 提出一种独立轮对柔性耦合转向架的方案。
- The obtained results have certain reference value for designing the novel type of flexible couplings. 本文计算结果对设计新型的叠片联轴器有一定的参考价值。
- rigid and flexible coupling system 刚柔耦合系统
- rigid flexible coupling dynamic systems 刚柔耦合动力学系统
- Bellows compen-sators were used as flexible couples of circulation pipes of the moving sm oke cover,which greatly in-creased reliabi lity ... 同时又采用了波纹管补偿器作为活动烟罩循环管道的柔性连接件,大大提高了设备的可靠性和安全性。
- Flexible Couplings can enable the connection system to be of flexiibility,it allows the steel pipe has a certain angle deviation and relative deviation. 挠性管接头连接方式使系统具有柔性,允许钢管有一定量的角度偏差,相对错位。
- He is working double tides to finish his essay. 他日夜苦干,赶写他的文章。
- I do not realize it is a double feature. 我原先不知道这是双片连映。
- Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear. 两面派永远过着提心吊胆的生活。