- double cropping early rice 连作早稻
- The field of early rice wants weeding. 这块早稻田需要除草。
- The experiments were conducted in double cropping rice field during 2005-2006 to study the effects of different tillage methods on rice yield and its source-sink characteristics. 摘要于2005-2006年在双季稻田以翻耕处理为对照,研究了免耕抛栽对水稻产量及其源库特性的影响。
- On the contrary, the double cropping rice followed by a cool-loving crop per year and the double cropping rice followed by a thermophilous crop per year are potential carbon sources. 而双季稻连作喜温作物和单(双)季稻连作喜凉作物生态系统起着较稳定的碳源作用.
- The planting areas for low quality early rice and double harvest late rice declined to some extent. The planting areas for high quality rice and one harvest late rice increased by 1.6%. 品质效益较差的早稻和双季晚稻的种植面积有所减少,品质效益较好的中稻和一季晚稻种植面积增加1.;6%25。
- Losing irrigation water may mean either abandoning land or less double cropping. 灌溉用水短缺的直接影响不是废弃农田,就是减少一年两作。
- The early rice output in that commune was200% more than that of2000. 那个公社的早稻产量是2000年的两倍。
- A good solution to the weather problems is to harvest the crop early in September. 应对天气问题的一个好办法就是在九月初收割庄稼。
- Double cropping; sequential cropping Planting one crop after harvesting another. 两熟耕作法;连续耕作法在收获一种作物之后再种植另一种作物的耕作方法。
- Double cropping; sequential cropping: Planting one crop after harvesting another. 两熟耕作法;连续耕作法:在收获一种作物之后再种植另一种作物的耕作方法。
- South-China double cropping super rice 华南双季超级稻
- While the area planted to early rice,cotton and tobacco has decreased,that for autumn grain increased considerably. 早稻、棉花和烤烟面积有所减少,但秋粮面积增加较多。
- The cluster analysis can effectively distinguish between single cropping Zizania caduciflora and double cropping Zizania caduciflora. 该分类方法可以很好地将单季茭和双季茭区分开。
- The methane emission peak of early rice appeared in young panicle differentiation stage of rice. 早稻甲烷排放峰值出现在水稻幼穗分化期,晚稻种稻期间甲烷排放通量在水稻分蘖盛期最大。
- While the area planted to early rice, cotton and tobacco has decreased, that for autumn grain increased considerably. 早稻、棉花和烤烟面积有所减少,但秋粮面积增加较多。
- But in full panicle stage, K uptake of late rice was less than that of early rice, this situation was obviously related to weather. 但在齐穗期晚稻吸钾低于早稻,这一情况明显与气候有关。
- The effects of four phytohormone compounds mixed with GA3, 6-BA and BR on senescence of early rice leaves were investigated. 摘要以赤霉素、6-BA、芸苔素3种激素组合的4种复配剂,对早稻叶面喷施,研究了它们对延缓叶片衰老的影响。
- A new double cropping Zizania caduciflora strain No. 8970 was seleted,which was of excellent agronomic characters,superior quality,and has been utilized in commercial production. 在双季茭中,筛选出农艺性状优异、品质性状较好的已在生产上应用的新品系8970。
- The produce price such as wheat of the Anhui province, early rice, semilate rice, corn was compared 2003 on year rise 5.620% differ. 2003年安徽省小麦、早稻、中稻、玉米等农产品价格比上年上涨5.;620%25不等。
- The structure of agricultural products planted has improved. While areas planted to early rice,cotton and tobacco have decreased,and those planted to autumn crops have increased. 农产品种植结构得到改善,早稻、棉花、烤烟面积减少,大秋作物面积增加。