- double circuit method 双路法
- An equivalent two source phase domain method for calculating interline fault in the double circuit line is presented. 基于二端口网络理论,采用等值双端电源相分量法进行跨线短路故障计算。
- To avoid these problems, the dry circuit method is usually employed for contact resistance tests. 为了避免这类问题,通常采用干电路的方法来进行接点电阻测试。
- The adaptive reclosure of double circuit lines on the same tower and its field test technology are introduced. 介绍了同杆双回线自适应重合闸及其现场测试技术,提出了多种试验方法,分析和解决了试验中发现的问题。
- In fact the coupling circuit method was used to deduce electromotive force equations of these electric machineries. 实际上通过耦合电路法同样可以推导出上述四类电机的的电动势平衡方程。
- Our company only bid for one newly built 132/33 kV transformer station and 5 km of opening double circuit line in Uttara. 输变电工程公司仅参加Uttara地区 1座新建 132 / 33kv变电站及其 5km破口双回线路的工程投标。
- The accuracy of equivalent circuit method can be effectively improved if the calculation of PM leakage permeance is accurate. 准确计算永磁漏磁导可以有效提高等效磁路法计算精度。
- This paper mainly presents a advanced double circuit sine?wave generator which comprises W77E58, CPLD, AD9835 and other ASIC. 用直接数字频率合成技术和高速单片机W77E58,可编程逻辑器件CPLD,直接数字频率合成专用芯片AD9835等超大规模集成电路来产生具有两路正弦波输出的信号发生器。
- The lightning outage rates on 500kV single and double circuit transmission lines in China are evaluated and compared with that in BPA USA. 对我国500kV第二代单回及对回并架线路的耐雷水平和雷击跳闸率进行了计算评估,并与美国BPA_2的新旧型单双回线路作比较;
- In fault state, a double circuit transmission line can he decoupled into common sequence component network and differential sequence component network. 由于并联电抗器的安装,直接测取双回线两端母线处的电压及线路流过的电流进行测距,必然会引起误差。
- The height and shape of the electromagnetically supported column of molten me -tal in electromagnetic caster was calculated by the coupled circuit method. 采用互感耦合模型对电磁铸造中的液柱高度和弯液面形状进行了数值计算。
- Datong to Beijing's Fangshan 500KV double circuit high voltage transmission line means Yuxian and County position with opening and closing stations. 大同至北京房山的500KV双回路高压线路途径蔚县,并在县内设有开闭站位置。
- The paper introduces the saturable magnetic circuit method to measure the DC resistance of low voltage winding of large-size transformer with a practical application. 介绍了一例用助磁法测量大型变压器低压侧直流电阻的接线、仪器、测试过程和测试结果,讨论了助磁法运用于实际应注意的一些问题。
- Research on the operation of the refrigerating machine working on double circuit cycle that permits GCP in a single cylinder compressor has been carried out. 对双回路冰箱中的新型中间补气压缩机的运行状况进行了研究,其目的在于研究该种压缩机应用于家用冰箱的可行性。
- The equivalent circuit is combined with the distributed magnetic circuit method to finally determine the fundamental reactance and 3-order harmonic reactance by iterative method under given voltages. 以等值电路为基础同时结合分布磁路法,迭代计算给定电压下基波激磁电抗与3次谐波激磁电抗。
- A Simplifying Circuit Method by Using VHDL and CPLD 用VHDL和CPLD的电路简化方法的研究
- The Bryan brothers, Bob and Mike, who won the doubles at the Tennis Masters Cup Houston, were recognized for their achievements in promoting the doubles circuit. 布莱恩兄弟,鲍勃与迈克赢得了休斯顿大师杯的双打冠军,他们在球场上的表现推动网球双打比赛往前进了一大步。
- Fireresistant Hall device and SmCo rotor is used to design position and speed sensor, and the corresponding doubling circuit and decoding circuit is designed. 采用耐高温的锁定型霍尔元件和钐钴永磁转子分别构成位置与速度传感器,并设计相应的速度信号倍频电路与位置信号译码电路。
- He is working double tides to finish his essay. 他日夜苦干,赶写他的文章。
- coupled electromagnetic circuit method 等效电路-磁路耦合法