- double track box beam 双线箱梁
- The design of the sideway track box plate girder of the double beam shop traveller is described. 本文介绍20吨葫芦双桥梁式起重机及其偏轨箱形梁的设计计算。
- The main suspension gallows consist of a steel box beam, sitting on hydraulic jacks that support all the structure during concreting. 主吊架有一钢箱梁组成,坐落在液压千斤顶上,在浇注混凝土过程中支撑所有结构。
- Shear walls and the walls of the hollow box beam will be approximately 50 cm thick. 剪力墙和空心箱形梁的墙厚约50厘米。
- Compared with the railway bridge and culvert design specifications, the box beam structure design and construction method are seen rational and feasible. 通过有限元分析结果与铁路桥涵设计规范的比较得出,该箱梁结构设计合理,施工方案可行。
- Restrained torsion of thin-walled box beam with honeycomb core is analyzed on the basis of rigid profile assumption. 在刚性剖面假设的基础上分析具有蜂窝芯材薄壁盒式梁约束扭转问题。
- Restrained bending of thin-walled box beam with honeycomb core is analyzed on the basis of rigid profile assumption. 在刚性剖面假设的基础上分析具有蜂窝芯材薄壁盒式梁约束弯曲问题。
- The paper mainly expounds construction procedures for concrete box beam prestressed in post-tensioning method. 本文主要阐述了后张法预应力混凝土箱梁的施工方法。
- The paper discussed the procedure and attentions of box beam precast for reference. 介绍了广州市环城高速公路跨广州大道连续箱梁桥的工程概况。
- The paper discussed proportion between side span and middle span in three spans prestressed continuous box beam bridge. 本文对三跨预应力连续箱梁桥的边跨与中跨比例问题进行了初步的探讨。
- The article introduces the technical gist of the construction control of the fish-bellied concrete continuous box beam. 该文介绍了鱼腹式混凝土连续箱梁的施工控制技术要点。
- The paper gives the recount for the method and function of calculating distortion geometric nature of arbitrarily section in continuous box beam. 叙述任意截面箱形连续梁畸变几何性质的计算方法和作用。
- The load from the cable is transmitted to the steel box beam by friction between the anchorage plate and the bottom plate. 锚固耳板与钢箱梁腹板间通过摩擦力将斜拉索力传至钢箱梁。
- This paper introduces the cast in place cantilever construction technology used in uncontinous box beam of the Hanchuan Hanjiang River Bridge. 介绍汉川汉江公路大桥非连续段箱梁的悬臂现浇施工技术,可供有关工程技术人员参考。
- To change the start date of a task, drag the middle of the task's Gantt bar left or right until the tracking box displays the new start date. 要更改任务的开始日期,请左右拖动“甘特图”中任务条形图的中部,直到跟踪框中显示新的开始日期。
- Research purposes: This paper analyzes the effect of the lateral prestressing tendon in top deck on the lateral calculation result of box beam. 研究目的:研究顶板横向预应力钢束对箱梁横向计算结果的影响,给箱梁结构设计提供借鉴和帮助。
- The stiffening beams of the side spans are prestressed concrete box beams. 主跨加劲梁为钢箱梁,边跨加劲梁为预应力混凝土箱梁。
- The paper introduces the characteristics of the design and construction of deformed continuous steel box beam of Shanghai Gonghexin Road Elevated Bridge over Wenshui Road Station. 介绍了上海市共和新路高架跨汶水路车站的异型连续钢箱梁的设计与施工特点,并对其受力特性着重进行探讨分析。
- He is working double tides to finish his essay. 他日夜苦干,赶写他的文章。
- I do not realize it is a double feature. 我原先不知道这是双片连映。