- Collective effective dose equivalent commitment 集体有效剂量当量约定
- Incomplete effective collective dose equivalent commitment 不安全有效集体剂量当量负担
- dose equivalent commitment 剂量当量负担
- The individual annual affective dose equivalent is 1.05 msv. 人均年吸收剂量当量为1.;05msv。
- The calculation of DWC is based on the ALI of waterand limit of annual effective dose equivalent for the public. DWC的计算是基于公众的年摄入量限值(ALI)和年有效剂量当量限值。
- The personal annual effective dose equivalent caused by radon daughters is 0.88 mSv. 氡子体产生的个人年有效剂量当量为0.;88mSv。
- On the basis of the time statistics of civil flight, the dose equivalent of civil aircrew was estimated. 研究了宇宙射线剂量率与海拔高度、地理经度和地磁纬度的关系;对国内航班飞行时间进行了统计,估算了机组人员的受照剂量。
- Results Ambient dose equivalent is recommended in the radiation region monitoring for the above 25 keV photons. 结果对强贯穿辐射外照射进行区域监测,防护仪的测量结果应采用周围剂量当量表达。
- Dose equivalent of exposure dose in mammary is the highest, those in thyroid is the secondary, and genitical gland area has the lowest dose. 各敏感器官以乳腺受照剂量当量最大,其次为甲状腺,性腺区最少。
- All dose equivalent of exposure dose in sensitive organs in non-projection center in high KV photography lower than those in low KV photography. 高管电压摄片时,非投照中心点各敏感器官受照剂量当量均比低管电压摄片时低。
- The concepts of(somatic and ICRP's)effective dose equivalent are explained with the li-near non-threshold hypothesis for stochastic effects and additivity of smallprobabilities. 阐述了小剂量下随机效应的线性无阈假定发生率的可叠加原理及由此发展起来的躯体有效剂量当量与 ICRP 有效剂量当量。
- Conclusion When the KV is as high as possible and the exposure field is as small as possible, each dose equivalent of exposure dose of organs out of exposure field is decrease. 结论:胸部摄片时管电压越高,照射野越小,照射野外各部位受照剂量当量亦越少。
- Objective To investigate the magnitude of dose equivalent of exposure dose in different organs of human being using high and low KV X-Ray photography in chest. 摘要目的:探讨胸部高、低管电压X线摄片对人体不同组织器官的受照剂量当量大小。
- For designing the neutron dose equivalent instrument, the variations of qualily factor and radiation weighting factor must be considered, and the calibration of instrument according to new radiation weighting factor is necessary. 根据所得的中子辐射权重因子对中子剂量测量的影响规律得出,在设计中子剂量当量测量仪器时,需充分考虑到品质因数和辐射权重因子数据的变化,并应按照新的辐射权重因子数据进行刻度。
- Based on the computing principle given in ICRP-30,a method was tested for fastestimation of commited dose equivalent to respiratory and gastrointestinal tract resulted frominhalation or ingestion of mixed fission products following a nuclear accident. 本文参照 ICRP 30号出版物关于内照射剂量的估算方法,对核事故后任何时间摄入组分未知的混合裂变产物时,关键组织(呼吸道和消化道)待积剂量当量的简易估算方法进行了尝试。
- Since ICRP adopted the effective dose equivalent(H_E)as the quantity of basic limits forradiation protection purpose,the problem of dose expression in the case of non-uniform irradiation hasbeen resolved properly. 自从国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)采用有效剂量当量(H_E)作为辐射防护基本限值量以来,H_E较好地解决了非均匀照射时的剂量表达问题。
- The main aspects of the suitability of existing survey meterin the measuring of neutron ambient dose equivalent were discussed and theapplication of microdosimetric counter and Bonnet Sphcre Counter in thisaspect was briefly described. 本文讨论了现有巡测仪测量中子周围剂量当量(Ambient Dose Equivalent)H·(10)的适用性问题,并扼要阐述了微剂量计数器和 Bonner 球计数器在这方面的应用。
- They tried to persuade her to commit perjury. 他们竭力说服她出庭作伪证。
- One cannot commit crimes with impunity. 一个人不能犯了罪不受惩罚。
- His political commitment is only skin-deep. 他政治上的承诺只是表面文章。