- The dosage regimen required to attain and maintain the appropriate concentration depends on pharmacokinetics. 达到和维持适当药物浓度所需要的给药方案应该根据药物代谢动力学制定。
- The dosage regimen of patiens should be adjusted in accordance with AUC and T1/2 in combined anticancer drugs. 结论:三种药物联合动脉给药优于单一动脉给药,单一动脉给药优于三种药物联合静脉给药。
- OBJECTIVE To establish a method for the dosage regimen design of drugs obeying first order absorption and Michaelis-Menten clearance kinetics. 目的获得(一级并行)米氏消除药物血管外给药的方案设计。
- RESULTS: The irrational drug use chiefly manifested itself as irrational in dosage regimen, dosage, repeated drug use, improper choice of solvents and incompatibility etc. 结果:不合理用药主要表现为给药方案不合理、重复用药、剂量不合理、溶媒选择不当、配伍不合理等。
- Bioequivalence refers to chemical equivalents that, when administered to the same person in the same dosage regimen, result in equivalent concentratio of drug in blood and ti ues. 生物等效是指将化学等值的药品以同样的给药方案给予同一个体,在血液和组织中出现相等的浓度。
- The latest advance of study for PPK is to analyze the effect on AEDs due to CYP450 gene polymorphisms, and to choose different initial doses according to gene polymorphisms. It will be valuable to facilitate individualized dosage regimen. 目前,已有研究将CYP450基因多态性的因素引入群体药代动力学的模型,将其对抗癫痫药物代谢的影响进行了量化,并且,可以依据不同的基因型选择不同的初始剂量,促进个体化治疗,取得了新的进展。
- The appropriate concentration and dosage regimen depend on the patient's clinical state, severity of the disorder, presence of concurrent disease, use of other drugs, and other factors. 适当的浓度和给药方案也取决于病人的临床状态、疾病的严重程度、有无并发疾病、其他药物使用情况以及其他因素。
- The Selection of the Dosage Regimen of Quinolones 喹诺酮类抗菌药给药方案的选择
- individualization of dosage regimen 给药方案个体化
- Two kinds of dosage regimens could down-regulate abnormal APO in children with KD. 两种剂量均能有效抑制免疫细胞过度活化异常(细胞凋亡延迟)。
- It is an effective way to design individualized dosage regimens with population pharmacokinetic (PPK) researching. 群体药代动力学的研究是设计个体化治疗方案的有效方法。
- We studies one compartment model in medicine dynamics.The system obtain peridic solution in peridic pulse dosage.Therefore we adjust and determine dosage regimens. 研究药物动力学中一室乳状开放模型,系统在周期脉冲给药下可得到周期解,从而可以调整和确定给药方案。
- Postantibiotic effect of antibiotics and formalating dosage regimen reasonably 抗生素后效应与临床给药方案的合理制定
- Keywords netilmicin;serum concentration;dosage regimen;clinical efficacy; 奈替米星;血药浓度;给药方案;临床疗效;
- Do not exceed the recommended dosage. 不要超过规定的剂量。
- Dosage Regimen Design of Multiple Dosing Intravenous Administration of One-compartment Model Based on Microsoft Excel 基于Excel软件的一室模型静脉推注给药方案设计
- Dosage regimen design of intravenous bolus injection administration of two-compartment model based on Microsoft EXCEL 基于EXCEL软件的二室模型静脉推注给药的给药方案设计
- The doctor enforced a strict dietary regimen. 医生强制一套严格的饮食起居制度。
- Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver. 这种药使用过量会损害肝脏。
- Computer-assisted Design of Individualized Dosage Regimen of Aminoglycoside Antibiotics 计算机辅助设计氨基糖苷类抗生素个体化用药方案