- Dorsal tegmental nucleus of pons 脑桥背盖背核
- Dorsal tegmental nuclei of midbrain 中脑被盖背核
- dorsal tegmental nucleus 背侧被盖核
- pedunculopontine reticular tegmental nucleus 脚桥被盖网状核
- Dorsal nucleus of glossopharyngeal n. 舌咽神经背核。
- Ventral tegmental nuclei of midbrain 中脑被盖腹侧核
- The fortress was the nucleus of the ancient city. 这城堡是这座古城的中心。
- dorsal tegmental decussation 被盖背侧交叉
- The dorsal raphe nucleus and auditory and vestibular pathway. 与听觉、前庭系统相关的中缝背核神经通路研究进展。
- The protoplasm outside the nucleus of a cell. 细胞质,细胞浆细胞分子外部的细胞质
- tegmental nucleus 被盖核
- The shark's dorsal fin was cut off by the fisherman. 鲨鱼的背鳍被渔夫割了下来。
- ventral tegmental nucleus 腹侧被盖核
- These 1000 books will form the nucleus of the new school library. 这一千本书将构成学校新图书馆藏书的基础。
- The atomic center is the nucleus, and the electronics winds revolve it. 原子的中央是原子核,电子绕着它旋转。
- A proton or a neutron, especially as part of an atomic nucleus. 核子质子或中心,尤指作为原子核的一个组成部分
- The analogous dorsal region in other animals. 动物的背部其它动物相似的背部部位
- The shark's dorsal fin was cut offby the fisherman. 鲨鱼的背鳍被渔夫割了下来。
- The colorless, liquid component of the cell nucleus. 细胞核液细胞核中无色的液体成分
- Starting at the base of the first dorsal spines. 一条始于第一背脊骨基部。